These are the Reason editors' recommendations for things that listeners might enjoy (or occasionally, enjoy hating), and by shopping through these links, you'll be helping support Reason.
Why We Don't Need the Department of Education
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Trump vs. Zelenskyy: Democracy Dies in Drama?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Justin Amash on Why the President Isn't Above the Law
Nick Gillespie
Justin Amash
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
The Cultural Consequences of Trump's Victory
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Donald Trump's Chaotic and Contradictory Day 1
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Why MAGA Is Fighting Over High-Skilled Immigration
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Was Biden Right To Take Prisoners Off Death Row?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Timothy Carney
Matt Welch
How Elon Musk and DOGE Can Deliver on Smaller Government
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Why Federal Disaster Relief Is a Disaster
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Eric Adams and New York City's Corruption Problem
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Why Do They Keep Shooting at Donald Trump?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
What Libertarians Would Ask Trump and Harris at the Debate
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
How Should the U.S. Respond to Hamas Executing Americans?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Charles C.W. Cooke
Matt Welch
Wait, Democrats Now Say They Love Freedom?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Why Libertarians Hate Kamala Harris' Economic Platform
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Ben Dreyfuss
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Tim Walz Is Another Big-Government Liberal
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
What Kamala Harris' Coronation Says About the Democratic Party
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Biden's Out. Harris Is In. Everyone Else Is Screwed.
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Is Violent Rhetoric To Blame for the Trump Assassination Attempt?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Why the Media Covered for Biden
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Biden, Cognitive Decline, and the End of American Empire
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Libertarian National Convention: Are You Not Entertained?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Zach Weissmueller
Matt Welch
A Bonus Reason Roundtable. Live From Boston!
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Americans Care About Inflation, but Politicians Don't
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Where Do Libertarians Stand on the Campus Wars?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Congress Does Not Come Back With a Warrant
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
The White House Lied About Its IRS Funding Only Targeting the Rich
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Biden's Antitrust Case Against Apple Is Truly Stupid
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
The CCP Sucks. So Does Banning TikTok.
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Nikki Haley's Primary Math Isn't Mathing
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
In 2024, Teens Will Get Pregnant in Driverless Cars
Zach Weissmueller
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Campus Speech Restrictions Come Back To Bite Universities
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Goodbye to George Santos and Henry Kissinger
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
The World's First Libertarian President
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
A Bonus Reason Roundtable. Live From Washington, D.C.!
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
No Malarkey: Even Democrats Think Biden Is Too Old
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Don't Believe Janet Yellen's Shoddy Wartime 'Girl Math'
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
What Joe Biden Got Right—and Wrong—Last Week in the Middle East
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Are Government Shutdowns Good for Limited Government?
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Hunter Biden Gets Caught in America's Double War on Drugs and Guns
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
What's the Libertarian Answer to New York's Migrant Crisis?
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Do the Proud Boys Deserve To Be in Prison Forever?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
C.J. Ciaramella
Joe Lancaster
Matt Welch
Why Stripping Fox's Broadcast License Is a Terrible Idea
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Have We Lost Track of the Trump Indictments Yet?
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Matt Welch
Should Donald Trump and Hunter Biden Both Be Prosecuted?
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Jacob Sullum
Matt Welch
Get Your Culture War Out of Our Pension Funds
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Should Libertarians Be Noncombatants in the Pride Wars?
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
There Is No Party of Immigration in American Politics
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
A Bonus Reason Roundtable. Live From New York City!
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Joe Biden Wants 4 More Years 'To Finish the Job.' What Job?
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
What Does Tucker Carlson's Sudden Schism With Fox News Mean?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Abortion, Guns, Trump, and the New Era of Shout-Down Politics
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Apocalypse Tomorrow: Trump's Looming Indictment
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Now Is the Best Time To Embrace Artificial Intelligence
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Matt Welch
A Thursday Bonus Reason Roundtable! Live From Reason Weekend in California
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Robby Soave
Peter Suderman
Yes, There Are Libertarians During Bank Runs
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
TikTok and How Congress Treats Americans Like 'Unruly Children'
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Did Biden Just Commit America to Another Forever War in Ukraine?
Nick Gillespie
Zach Weissmueller
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Under No Circumstances Did Joe Biden Save Social Security
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Ron DeSantis' Misguided War on Woke
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Are We Making Any Progress on Police Brutality?
Eric Boehm
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Where Does Big Tech End and Government Start?
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Yet Another Shady, Hypocritical Document Hoarder
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Did the House Rebellion Against Kevin McCarthy Have an Upside?
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Merchants of Death, Swaps, and Shake-ups
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
What Twitter's Suppression of the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Tells Us About the Media
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
'This Is What Democracy Looks Like. And It Kinda Sucks.'
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Twitter Was Already a Hellscape Even Before It Was Set Free
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Biden's Disturbing Speech Outside Independence Hall
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
There's Nothing Legacy-Defining About the Inflation Reduction Act
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Does the Democrats' New Inflation Bill Have Anything To Do With Inflation?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Return of Summer Security Theater? Also, Abolish the FDA.
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Is America Heading for a National Divorce?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Christian Britschgi
Peter Suderman
What's Wrong With Abortion Federalism?
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Damon Root
Why Is Biden So Utterly Useless on Inflation?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Is DeSantis a Principled Governor or a Retaliatory Culture Warrior?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Cops, Gun Restrictions, and Mass Shootings
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Blundering Into Escalation in Ukraine?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Repulsive Replacement Theory and Economic Delusions
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Musk? And Yes, Taxation Is Still Theft.
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
- Catholic Church in Washington D.C.
A Friday Bonus Reason Roundtable! Live From Reason Weekend in Nashville.
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Joe Biden Wants To Spend How Much? On What Now?
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Will Smith and Joe Biden Both Messed Up
Peter Suderman
- 94th Annual Academy Awards
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Joe Biden Gaslights America About Gas Prices
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Zelenskyy Goes Viral, Russia Goes Nuclear
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
What Ukraine and Joe Rogan Have in Common
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
John Osterhoudt
The Canadian Truck Protests Aren't Just About Vaccines. They're About Being Heard.
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Joe Rogan, Canadian Truckers, Coronavirus Mandates, and the Terrible State of Free Speech
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
The Media's Censorial Freakout Over Joe Rogan
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Joe Biden's Problem Isn't Bad Messaging. It's Bad Policy.
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
What We Got Right and Wrong About 2021 (and What We Predict for 2022)
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
A Reality Check on Coronavirus, Congress, and Elon Musk's Taxes
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Billy Binion
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Why Aren't Journalists Howling About the Assange Prosecution?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
A New Opportunity for the Government To Screw Up Abortion Law
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
What the Political Class Should Learn from the Rittenhouse Verdict
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Libertarian Lessons From the Rittenhouse Trial
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
The Infrastructure Bill Makes Building Back More Expensive
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
The Spending Bill Got Smaller, but It's Still Full of Bad Ideas
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Freedom, Responsibility, and Coronavirus Policy
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
The Biden White House Is Lying About the Democrats' Spending Bill
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
How Biden's Vaccine Mandates Degrade Social Trust
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
There Is No FDA-Approved Vaccine for Warmongering
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Government Shouldn't Stop People From Doing Self-Destructive Things
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
No, Biden, Facebook Isn't Killing People
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Mine will be Strange Practice, by Vivian Shaw
How the Critical Race Theory Debate Misses the Mark
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Has Our Criminal Justice System Gotten Better Since George Floyd's Death?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Can the State Influence Baby-Making With Policy?
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
The Red Flags in Biden's State of the Union Address
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
How To Navigate Through Virtue Signaling and Disinformation
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Government Loves To Grab New Powers in the Name of Your Safety
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Big Tech, Voting Rights, and Weed
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Immigration, Trade, and Narrative-Warping
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Punish Politicians for the Right Reasons
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
The Dark Underbelly of Equity Based Thinking
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Matt Welch
Don't Wait For (Any More) Disasters To Adopt Libertarian Values
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
How COVID-19 Made School Choice a Priority
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Inauguration Eve Notes From D.C.'s Green Zone
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
While Trump Clings to Power, Justin Amash Has Left the Building
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Why Thomas Massie Is Wrong About the Pot Legalization Bill
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
What Does Trump's Post-Election Behavior Tell Us About American Politics?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Is There Hope for Libertarianism Within a Post-Election GOP?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Maybe the Election Results Were Kinda Good for Libertarians?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
What Are the Best and Worst Things About Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Politics and Social Media: Should We Use Exit, Voice, or Loyalty?
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Stephanie Slade
Democrats Have a Massive To-Do List If Joe Biden Wins
Peter Suderman
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Eric Boehm
Does Trump's Weird Hospitalization Jeopardize the Peaceful Transfer of Power?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
The Lessons Americans Refuse To Learn From Trump's Tax Returns
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Our SCOTUS Wars Were a Long Time Coming
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Donald Trump, Bob Woodward, and the Noble Lie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Zach Weissmueller
Eric Boehm
Trump's Struggle To Win the Gary Johnson Vote
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Ted Cruz Isn't the Only Politician Talking Nonsense About Tech Companies and Election Integrity
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Eric Boehm
Coronavirus, Protests, and Policing Expose Government Failure at Every Level
Matt Welch
Peter Suderman
Zach Weissmueller
Stephanie Slade
Sending Secret Police To Do Protester Snatch-n-Grabs Is Bad, Mmmkay?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Should America Declare Independence from Pants, Twitter, or Both?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
While Culture Warriors Debate Language, Police Reformers Change Policy
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
How Coronavirus Is Like Venereal Disease, and Other Bad Analogies
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Have We Crossed the Threshold of Doom?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
How the Coronavirus Bailout Is Like the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
Should Justin Amash Run for President?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
What Have the Media Gotten Wrong (and Right) During Coronavirus?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
What Have We Learned About Ourselves During the Coranavirus Quarantine?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
How Government Screwed Up Coronavirus Response
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
9/11, the Financial Crisis, and Now Coronavirus
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Is Government Doing Too Much or Too Little With Coronavirus?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Coronavirus Shock: Just Another Panic Monday?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Matt Welch
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Will Coronavirus Be the Sweet Matzo Ball of Death?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Matt Welch
The State of Our Union Is…Drunk?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- The Good Place
- Superbowl halftime show
How Does the John Bolton Bombshell Change Impeachment?
Matt Welch
- Watched the 2020 Grammy Awards
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Researched some of Paul Newman's greatest films in honor of his birthday
Impeachment Hall of Shame (and Fame?)
Matt Welch
- General media panic, specifically about VA gun rights rally
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Trump's Iranian Justification Eroding by the Minute
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Trump's Iranian Kill Shot: Legal? Constitutional? Sensible? Impeachable?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
A Special Festivus Airing of Grievances from the Reason Roundtable Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Choose Your Own Impeachment Adventure: Rand Paul, Justin Amash, or Philip K. Dick?
Matt Welch
- Saw live concert by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Are We Really Gonna Do Another War on Porn?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
The Free Trade Dream of the '90s Is Dead
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Does It Matter That Impeachment Enthusiasts Are Lousy on Foreign Policy?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Of All the Things To Impeach a President for, They Chose This?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Democrats Can't Quit Fantasizing About What They'd Do to Billionaires
Matt Welch
- Atlas Society Annual Gala
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Elizabeth Warren Is Lying About Her Own Medicare Plan
Matt Welch
- SC Libertarian Party Convention
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- "OK Boomer" meme
Peter Suderman
Does the Demise of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and His Caliphate Vindicate 2014 Rand Paul?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Is Everyone Wrong About NBA/China/Hong Kong Except South Park and…Ted Cruz?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Dancing with the Stars segments - specifically Tom Delay and Tucker Carlson appearances
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
You Will Die if You Vape While Watching Impeachment Porn
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
Who's Right on Impeachment: Rand Paul, Justin Amash, or Jeff Flake?
Matt Welch
- Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA
- Hess Collection Winery and Art Museum in Napa, CA
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Nick Gillespie
- Sleeping Octopus Assembly on Psychedelics 2019
- The Problem with Everything: My Journey Through the New Culture Wars by Meghan Daum
Are We Really Doing the Impeachment Thing Again?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Mid-90s Seventeen magazines
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Democrats' Anti-Scientific Climate Dystopias
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Can #NeverTrump GOP Presidential Wannabe Joe Walsh Run on Deficit Reduction and Win?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
- Star Wars news
Interesting New York Times Slavery Project Hobbled by Anti-Capitalism
Matt Welch
- Broadway performance of Barry Manilow- "Could this be the Magic"
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
- Beyond Burger, a plant-based burger alternative
Should You Boycott Your $42 SoulCycle Bike Ride To Stick It to Trump?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
How Libertarians Should Respond to Mass Shootings
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Eric Boehm
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Terrible Thing That Trump and Elijah Cummings Agree On
Matt Welch
- The Brothers Steve concert
- Disneyland
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
National Conservatism and the American Identity Crisis
Zach Weissmueller
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Identity Politics Gone Mad, From Trump to Ayanna Pressley
Matt Welch
- Moderated a debate between Libertarian candidates in 2020
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics by Kevin Williamson
- NBC News Tweet about man on hovercraft with a gun
Peter Suderman
Does Justin Amash Libertarianism Have a Future?
Matt Welch
- USA ladies winning World Cup
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Welcome to the Busing Election!
Matt Welch
- "The Day the Dinosaurs Died"
- Holy Land Museum in Silver Lake, CA
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
(We Didn't) Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran…Yet
Matt Welch
- Washington, D.C. meet and greet for Bill Weld
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- The Heterodox Academy Convention in New York
Peter Suderman
How Socialist Are the Democrats?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Foundation for Economic Education FEECON David French talk
- Rolling Thunder Review: A Bob Dylan Story (2019)
Peter Suderman
Trump's Mexican Standoff and the New Illiberal Right
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Where Should Libertarians Stand During the Conservative Circular Firing Squad?
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Nope, China Still Isn't Paying Those Tariffs!
Eric Boehm
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Democrats' Dumb War Against Charter Schools
Matt Welch
- NBA playoffs
- Animal Kingdom
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Abortion Restrictionists Go Bold
Matt Welch
- NBA Conference Semi-Finals
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Democratic Contenders Apologize for Everything Except Their Lousy Economic Policies
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Game of Thrones
- HBO promo before Game of Thrones showing
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
What Did Libertarians Learn from the Mueller Report?
Matt Welch
- Went to the Morgan Library in Manhattan, NY (J.R.R. Tolkien exhibit)
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
Is the Phrase 'Open Borders' a Libertarian Mistake?
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Hair-Sniffer Joe Biden Should Apologize for His Whole Career: Podcast
Matt Welch
- The Cure induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame reactions
- This Must Be The Place (2012)
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Mueller Media Hall of Shame: Podcast
Matt Welch
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Is There a Libertarian Argument for Breaking up Big Tech?: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Socialists Are Coming! Or Are They?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Mike Lacey and James Larson from Backpage Panel at Reason Weekend
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Timothy Sanderfur speech on Frederick Douglass at Reason Weekend
Peter Suderman
Strange New Respect for…Nancy Pelosi?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- SpaceX launch
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Is Hollywood Overthinking Representation?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Are Libertarians Feeling the Bern?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Went to Carnegie Hall
Stephanie Slade
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Green New WTF?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Brandi Carlile songs
- The 2019 Grammys
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
What Fresh Horror Will the State of the Union Address Bring?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Super Bowl 2019
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Super Bowl 2019
Peter Suderman
Are Billionaires a Policy Failure?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Are Government Shutdowns Good for Libertarians?: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Got new, cool, affordable glasses thanks to capitalism
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Does Tucker Carlson Get Anything Right About Libertarians?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Donald Trump's Libertarian Christmas?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Everybody Wants To Regulate the Internet Except Ajit Pai: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Is Rand Paul Right About Special Prosecutors Being Wrong?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Darts and Laurels for the Late George H.W. Bush: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Homecoming
- College football
Peter Suderman
Adam Conover of Adam Ruins Everything on Seeking Truth in the Post-Truth Era
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- The Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018
- Barney balloon being destroyed in 1997
Peter Suderman
Is Trump vs. Acosta the Iran-Iraq War of 2018?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- "Sole and Despotic Dominion"
- Twitter discourse on women with non-natural hair color
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
We Are So Unprepared for the Coming Budgepocalypse: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
How Much Don't We Know About the Midterms?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Recognition of Bob Poole for Reason's 50th Anniversary
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Stephanie Slade
Are We in a New Era of Political Violence?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Baseball World Series 2018
Peter Suderman
Who Do You Want to Lose the Midterms Most?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Birthday Party of Kat Timpf
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Should We Sell Weapons to Saudi Arabia?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
What Did We Learn from the Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation?: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Tried all the scooter brands in Washington, D.C.
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Kavanaugh Brawl Shows It's Time for a Controlled Burn of the State: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Reason Minus 50 on Twitter
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- College football
Peter Suderman
The Brett Kavanaugh Sex Assault Controversy Will Only Get Worse: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Hurricane coverage on news networks
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Who's Ready for an Obama Lecture About Trump?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- SpaceX landing
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Maybe Social Media 'Outrage' Is Just a Lazy Partisan Ritual: Podcast
Matt Welch
- September 2018 issue of Reason
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Went camping
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Elizabeth Warren's Corporate Buttinskyism Is the Future Liberals Want: Podcast
Matt Welch
- 2018 Emerson Poll for New Mexico Senate race with Gary Johnson
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Peter Suderman
The Great Deplatforming War Rages On: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
'It's Not About Donald Trump Being Crappy, It's About the Government Being Crappy': Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Robby Soave
Peter Suderman
Are Plastic Straw Bans Just Late Socialism?: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Christian Britschgi
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Larry Kudlow Is Bad. So Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Chartreuse Is Good: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Stephanie Slade
- The Chartreuse Elixir alcohol
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
- Mission: Impossible-Fallout (2018)
Is Rand Paul Really a Traitor?: Podcast
Matt Welch
- World Cup finals 2018
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Donald Trump's Supreme Court Pick Will Shred the Constitution! Or Save It!: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Went to a reading of the Declaration of Independence in New York
Will Trump's Next SCOTUS Pick Be Able To Overturn Roe v. Wade?: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Damon Root
Peter Suderman
Is 'Civility' Possible, Let Alone Desirable, in Trump's America?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Saw Hamilton in D.C.
- Set it Up (2018)
Nick Gillespie
Maybe Snatching Toddlers From Their Asylum-Seeking Parents Is Who We Are: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Why Can't Anyone Get Their Immigration Facts Straight?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Is Trump Just Doing the Crazy Things Republicans Always Promised?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Should Robert Mueller Subpoena President Trump?: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Politics Is Not Pretty: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Moderated a panel at the Libertarian Party Convention in California
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Talked to past editors at Reason
Peter Suderman
Welcome to the Pot Resistance, Chuck Schumer!: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- Went to Las Vegas and saw Boyz II Men show
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
The Real Constitutional Crisis Is Congress' Unwillingness to Do Its Job: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- Coachella performances
Peter Suderman
Bombs Away in Syria: Podcast
Matt Welch
- Interview between Nick Gillespie and Justin Amash at Reason Weekend
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
When Trump Goes to War With Amazon, Everybody Loses: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
- The Book of Exodus in the Bible
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
How Will The Americans' Final Season End? Q&A With the Creators Behind the Cold War Spy Drama
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Rand Paul Threatens to Filibuster Trump's CIA Pick, Because Torture: Podcast
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Nick Gillespie
Peter Suderman
Executing Drug Dealers and Other Trump Punchlines: Podcast
Matt Welch
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Nick Gillespie
- OJ Simpson special on Fox
- Sneaky Pete
Peter Suderman
Should We Abolish the Sex Offender Registry? A Debate.
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Robby Soave
Nick Gillespie
Eric Boehm
- The 2018 Winter Olympics