Contrary to What Biden Says, Gun Show Sales Aren't Exempt From Background Checks
Plus: GOP gender policing in North Carolina, marijuana legalization mistakes, and more...
Plus: GOP gender policing in North Carolina, marijuana legalization mistakes, and more...
Plus: Tennessee tries to micromanage media, Biden's ATF nominee worked Waco case, and more...
Plus: Effort to decriminalize psychedelics gains traction in California, crony capitalism at its worst, and more...
Plus: Copyright case a win for Google and fair use, California considering repeal of its "loitering with intent to commit prostitution" law, and more...
Plus: Safe deposit box seizures spawn lawsuit, at-home COVID-19 testing finally legal, and more...
Plus: Marijuana legalization in New Mexico, Republicans are coming for OnlyFans, and more…
Plus: The "infrastructure plan" that isn't, the Institute for Justice challenges cash seizures at airports, and more...
Plus: Pharmacies are doing a better job of vaccinating than the government, New York will legalize weed, and more...
Plus: Kentucky adopts school choice program, the vaccine passport debate heats up, and more...
Plus: Mask burning is freedom of speech, New York reaches recreational weed deal, and more...
Plus: New York moves closer to legal weed, Parler pushes back on extremism claims, and more...
Plus: Facebook joins the fight against Section 230, court says no right to bear arms outside home, and more...
Plus: Appeals court considers whether nonstop surveillance violate due process, Utah governor signs porn filter bill into law, and more...
Plus: Homeschooling rates have doubled, the USPS is about to get even slower at delivering mail, and more...
Plus: Wisconsin may approve microschools, what will Biden Title IX guidance look like, and more...
Plus: FTC commissioner on antitrust action against Facebook, FIRE's Greg Lukianoff on the "marketplace of ideas" metaphor, and more...
Plus: Atlanta shooter blames "sex addiction," Maryland wants new occupational licensing requirements, and more...
Plus: Columbus, Ohio, wants six months in jail for first-time sex customers, Texas' new social media bill is a mess, and more...
Plus: A new documentary tells Reality Winner's story, occupational licensing reform is antitrust reform, and more...
Plus: Two dozen Texas bills seek to restrict voting, media companies seek special exemption from antitrust rules, and more...
Plus: Problems with the PRO Act, what libertarian feminism isn't, and more...
Plus: Mexico moves closer to legalizing marijuana, Facebook fights monopoly allegations, and more...
Plus: An Iowa reporter is on trial for covering a Black Lives Matter protest, Arkansas governor signs abortion ban, and more...
Plus: Iowa limits early voting, a prominent sex trafficking "rescue" group relies on psychics, and more...
Plus: Virginia's vote for the ERA is too late, South Carolina moves to relax birth control prescription requirements, and more...
Plus: Utah says phones must come with anti-porn filters, bills banning trans girls from sports are trending, and more...
Plus: The era of sovereign influencers, a new experiment in universal basic income, and more...
Plus: ACLU joins fight for donor privacy, Parler drops lawsuit against Amazon, and more...
Plus: More Cuomo allegations, the "cult of now," the state budget apocalypse that wasn't, and more...
Plus: QAnon comes to CPAC, Virginia votes to legalize marijuana, and more...
Plus: The Republican Civil War has ended before it began, Mr. Potato Head rage is misplaced, and more...
Plus: Neera Tanden under siege, drama at CPAC, and more...
Plus: The media rechristens "kids in cages" as "migrant facilities for children," Matt Taibbi on cable providers potentially dropping Fox and Newsmax, and more...
Plus: Another journalist fired after disagreeing with woke orthodoxy, U.S. COVID death toll passes 500,000 mark, and more...
Plus: Yet another Big Tech hearing, Gov. Ron DeSantis did what now, and more...
Plus: Facebook's fight with Australia, New York legalizes surrogacy, and more...
Plus: Legal cannabis workers now outnumber electrical engineers in the U.S., Portland cops defend dumpsters from hungry people, and more...
Plus: "Cancel culture" confusion, Biden rejects student loan forgiveness, Stossel and Snowden on internet privacy, and more...
Plus: The aftermath of the New York Times' anti-Pornhub crusade, and more...
Plus: Biden won't pursue Trump's TikTok and WeChat bans, Mitt Romney's child allowance plan, and more...
Plus: Dems ask FDA to change abortion pill prescribing rule, Vice targets Clubhouse, and more...
Plus: New Mexico moves to legalize homemade food, the illogic of civil commitments for sex offenders, and more...
Plus: Oklahoma cosmetologists fight insane licensing requirement, Australia doesn't understand how search engines work, and more...
Plus: Replacing cops with health care workers saves lives, tech policy advice for President Biden, and more...
Plus: Pandemic housing prices are overvalued, U.S. will withdraw support for war in Yemen, and more...
Plus: A reminder that censorship backfires, Wyoming city considers ban on "performance prostitution," and more...
Plus: Texas sends out Amber Alert for Chucky doll, people are fleeing California and the Northeast, and more.
Plus: Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, Kroger closes stores over hazard pay rule, and more...
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