Savannah Schools: You Shouldn't Have to Major in Education to Be a Teacher
The system is pushing an alternative pathway in order to fill vacancies.
Cobb County Has No Money Left for Public Parks Because They Gave it All to the Atlanta Braves
Voters supported funding parks, but not a billionaire's ballpark.
New Georgia Law Makes Sure Undercover Cops Can Count as Sex-Trafficked Teens
Why bother looking for actual sex-trafficking victims when cops can just pretend to be them and reap the same rewards?
Corporate Influence over Government Is Bad…Unless They Hold the Correct Positions
Hollywood, NFL lobby to block law in Georgia to the cheers of the left.
Family Wants Charges Against Deputies Who Tased Unarmed Man to Death, High Fived About It
Deputies have not been identified
Georgia Cop Who Killed Unarmed, Naked Vet Indicted for Murder by Grand Jury
Will face trial on six charges.
Almost Half of 184 People Killed by Georgia Cops Since 2010 Were Unarmed and/or Shot in the Back
Investigation reveals that every one of these police shootings was deemed lawful.
Bizarre Baby-Selling Story Spawns More Human-Trafficking Hysteria
There's no such thing as a free baby. But human-trafficking hysteria? We've got that in abundance, thanks.
Georgia Cops Shoot Resident, Kill His Dog After Responding to Wrong Home During 911 Call
Police insist they're taking responsibility, spokesman says "in light of everything going on in the country right now" cops were "double checking themselves."
Cops Shot Unarmed Georgia Woman in the Head, Admired Their Marksmanship, Prevented First Aid After
They are both still gainfully employed-woman's interaction with police began over suspicion of drug use
Georgia Drops Murder Charges Against Kenlissa Jones Since Law Explicitly Forbids Charging Pregnant Women For 'Unlawful' Abortion
"Georgia law does not permit prosecution" of woman who took abortion pill, says district attorney.
Georgia Woman Charged With Murder After Self-Administering Abortion Pill
How can a pregnant woman's actions be murder if they fail to kill a fetus but not murder if they actually do?
Georgia Lawmakers Say Strip Clubs Cause Men to Rape Children So Club Owners Must Pay for State's Fight Against Sex Trafficking
A stripper is a sex-trafficker is a source of state revenue right?
One Georgia Judge Takes on Mandatory Minimums by Informing Jury Before Conviction
Reminds prosecutors that juries are supposed to serve as a check on government power
Extremely Limited Medical Marijuana Use May Be Coming to Georgia
Cannabis oil would be legal in some cases-if you can get your hands on it.
Teacher Caught on Camera Putting 11-Year-Old in Chokehold; Suspended for Three Days, Five Months Later
A teacher put a child in a chokehold in DeKalb County, Georgia.
Midterm 2014 Guide: Third-Party Senate Candidates Give Establishment Republicans Conniptions
Liberty-minded small government views may be the missing ingredient.
Georgia's School Choice Program Draws Legal Challenge
The Institute for Justice is planning to intervene in the lawsuit, representing parents.
Vidalia® Onion Fight Highlights Absurdity of Many State Food® Rules
The nation's largest grower of Vidalia® onions is fighting-and flaunting-a Georgia state law that says he can't ship onions until the state says so. Why do Georgia and other states have dumb laws like these on the books?