Sex, Booze, and Boehner's Warehouse: An RNC Nightlife Recap
Kid Rock and escorts and Trump porn, oh my
Kid Rock and escorts and Trump porn, oh my
"I don't know that it's the government's part to regulate sins and all of that."
We asked Republicans about their party platform position.
Fourteen "attractive girls" have gone missing from the Bronx since July 2014, said Councilman Andy King, and he suspects the worst. There's just one problem...
"Buying a teen for sex is child abuse," warned Oakland city billboards as its police force passed around a teenager for sex.
"Putting criminals in jail is our favorite pastime," says Texas sheriff.
Soliciting anyone under age 21 for sex will now get you 15 to 50 years in prison, as the state has ruled that 18-to-20-year-olds' consent doesn't count.
URL the Labrador works with the Weber County Sheriff's Office to sniff out electronic storage devices.
The long-corrupt department is reeling from scandals involving teen prostitution and racist text messages.
The arrests are also part of plan to force shut affordable motels to make way for high-density apartment buildings.
Five federal agencies and several California police departments worked for over a year to take down a site where sex workers advertised.
The U.K. Office of Communications has ruled in favor of feminist pornographer Pandora Blake and her site
A Department of Justice-funded "nonprofit" spews prostitution propaganda on Indiana highways.
Republicans, women, and those ages 45 and older were the most likely to say that selling or paying for sex should be illegal.
Federal legislators are calling on Justice Department to be more proactive about using the 2015 sex-trafficking law.
The enterprise allegedly hired women and teens to service powerful clients.
Group calls on governments worldwide to stop the criminalization of sex work
Officials claim that more than 1,000 Ohio children are "trafficked into the sex trade each year." Here's why they're wrong.
So terrorism is solved, right?
Why bother looking for actual sex-trafficking victims when cops can just pretend to be them and reap the same rewards?
A good move backed by bad reasoning
But... but... these ladies were "human trafficking" themselves!
His new organization, Generation Freedom, will "press the next President to make human trafficking a top priority" with a significantly higher budget.
No evidence of a real sex-trafficking epidemic? No problem! The state has ways of creating sex traffickers...
Drafted by the group formerly known as Morality in Media, the measure was passed unanimously by Utah lawmakers.
Korean spas in New York City are the latest target of our national vice squad.
"The Obama administration initiated Operation Choke Point to punish law-abiding small businesses that don't align with the president's political leanings," says Cruz.
"Put a G-string on" and let the topless, drunken good times roll suggest some on the Chicago City Council.
"Congress did not sound an uncertain trumpet when it...chose to enact broad protections to internet publishers," held the appeals court.
While cracking down on prostitution in Michigan, Stuart Dunnings III was routinely shelling out money for sexual services, authorities say.
The chief result of the stings-which involved Homeland Security and the FBI-was the arrest of 14 sex workers and 14 men seeking sex from undercover cops.
Public shaming in the Internet era can have lasting and wide-reaching effects.
For those ages 30-44, it rises to almost 10 percent. But most Americans still think prostitution is "morally wrong."
Police have been investigating the case for more than a month.
Obviously, the vice cops are the clowns here. Unfortunately, their idea of entertainment is depriving people of their liberty and livelihoods.
He's right, but not for the reasons he thinks.
The measure is now awaiting the signature of Democratic Gov. Kate Brown.
Anyone advertising as an escort without a license or attempting to hire an unlicensed escort could be charged $5,000.
From telling hotel workers to look for used condoms to shuttering escort sites to nation-wide stings, cops are going after prostitutes with new energy.
Don't worry, the feds will fix those for you.
About 567 people were arrested on sex-trafficking charges in 2012, up from 17 arrests in 2003.
Part one: no evidence that increasing penalties is linked to an increase in arrests or prosecutions.
Another example of how topsy-turvy our understanding of "sex trafficking" has become in America.
In addition to sex-worker arrests, 552 people "would-be sex buyers" were arrested for soliciting undercover cops, to the tune of at least $187,000 in fines.
In Ohio, learning to spot the "signs" of human trafficking is now a requirement for cosmetology licenses.
At the industry's biggest gathering, fear and loathing for Republicans was high. But can porn trust Hillary?
Activists and politicians warn of a roving horde of "trafficked" prostitutes that researchers just can't find.
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