U.S. Announces More Sanctions Against Russians Amid Ukraine Crisis
Officials and companies targeted.
Ukraine, E.U., Russia, U.S. Reach Deal on Calming Tensions
Agree that "illegal armed groups" in eastern Ukraine must put down their weapons
Obama and the Appeasement Myth
The stark fact is that Ukraine is not a place over which the U.S. and NATO should be ready to go to war, and nothing short of going to war will change its fate.
If Rand Paul Has Hawks Nervous He's Doing Something Right
The Kentucky senator wants a less aggressive foreign policy, and so do most Americans
Boots on the Ground in Ukraine?
Sending NATO forces to Ukraine is like walking into a biker bar with an acquaintance who has a real grudge against bikers.
Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies
Flight 370 conspiracy theories; college basketball players should share NCAA revenue; distrust of NSA and Facebook; concerns about police misconduct
Russia: Where the Real Fascists Are
Perhaps fascism has indeed won-in Russia and not in Ukraine.