May Public Pension Plan Managers Use "Environmental, Social, and Governance" Investment Practices?

"[P]olitics has no place in Kentucky's public pensions.... '[S]takeholder capitalism' and 'environmental, social, and governance' investment practices that introduce mixed motivations to investment decisions are inconsistent with Kentucky law governing fiduciary duties owed by investment management firms to Kentucky's public pension plans."

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

Appellate Court Upholds Trial Court's Rejection of "[Independent] Custody Investigator" Opinion

Among other things, the investigator "appeared to accept Father’s explanation that his 2003 kidnapping conviction based on allegations of domestic violence in a previous relationship was a misunderstanding, not the result of criminal conduct," "[finding] 'credible' Father’s explanation that he 'was unfairly incarcerated based on the lies of the victim and because of the racist justice system.'"

|The Volokh Conspiracy |


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