Cannabis for Canines
Medicinal marijuana isn't just for human beings anymore. Meet the California company that sells therapeutic pet treats.
Epic Prank Forces Film Censors to Watch Paint Dry for 10 Hours
British filmmaker Charlie Lyne found a way to express his displeasure with the U.K.'s film censorship bureaucracy.
Stillborn Utopia
Masdar City is an $18 billion attempt to build a zero-carbon community on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi. It's empty.
Fooling the Cameras
Leo Selvaggio plans to confound the world's surveillance systems by distributing lifelike masks of his own face.
Transparency Fail
"Most transparent administration in history" releases most redacted document in history.
The Bitcoin ATM
An anarcho-capitalist entrepreneur announces a new way to make transactions in Cyprus and Los Angeles.
Secession Fever
If the U.S. were to escape any adjustments to its borders, it would be a rare case.
Drones Invade New York City!
Blanketing lower Manhattan with posters designed to look like official NYPD signage
Greenwashing the Games?
An oil company emphasizes its environmental credentials at the London Olympics.
Bin Laden's Doll House
The Pentagon declassifies a model of the terrorist's Abbottabad compound.