Coup 53
A new documentary highlights the role played by the CIA and Britain's MI6 in overthrowing Iran's duly elected prime minister back in 1953.
U.K. Election: Brexit Wins, Jeremy Corbyn Crashes
Plus: "Vaping policy" consumes the White House, the porn wars portend something bigger, the DHS wants subpoena power, libertarians in space, a Milk Freedom Act, and more...
The Myth of the 'Opium War'
The vast majority of opium users in China were not the desperate addicts portrayed by proponents of prohibition.
U.K. Appeals Court Overturns Ruling That Would Have Forced Mentally Disabled Woman To Get Abortion Against Her Will
Justice Natalie Lieven ruled it was in the woman's "best interests" because she has learning disabilities.
London's Absurdly Broad 'Junk Food' Ad Ban Puts Its Own Culture on a Starvation Diet
Iconic British foods like Christmas pudding and strawberries and cream get censored.
What Inmates, the Amish, and Imperial Chinese Law Teach Us About Relying on the State
David Friedman’s Legal Systems Very Different from Ours explores the costs and benefits of various legal systems across time.
Will a Free Press Cheer on Government Censorship of the Internet?
Will a thirst to punish Silicon Valley destroy our liberty?
Prince Harry Blames Fortnite Addiction, Social Media for the World's Ills
Maybe people are just playing to escape all the Brexit news?
Parents, Not Government, Should Decide How To Teach Their Kids About LGBT Issues
A fight in England between educators and Muslims shows the need for more school choice, not control.
Spies in the Media
Journalists have long been used by governments, wittingly or not, to collect intel and spread disinformation.
British Food Nannies Want to Slap That Burger Right Out of Your Hand
In order to fight obesity, a U.K. health agency wants calorie caps on everything.
British School Bans Expensive Coats So Poor Students Won't 'Feel Stigmatized'
Bans like these just encourage a victim mentality.
When George Orwell Got in a Fight With the Anarchist Author of The Joy of Sex
The future 1984 scribe debated pacifism with Dr. Alex Comfort in 1942.
E-Cigarettes Are 'the Most Popular Stop Smoking Aid in England'
A new Public Health England report suggests the U.S. has fallen far behind in taking advantage of this harm-reducing alternative.