Will Trump's NFL Spat Spur More Conservative Opposition to Terrible Stadium Subsidies?
Conservatives upset about the NFL's refusal to bend the knee to Trump on the anthem issue might redirect that fury to the NFL's raiding of their wallets.
Conservatives upset about the NFL's refusal to bend the knee to Trump on the anthem issue might redirect that fury to the NFL's raiding of their wallets.
Rid private functions of all symbols of the church-state. Then play ball.
Why should obsession with "cultural Marxism" mean one should fear protesting police crimes?
Let's start by allowing unwitting taxpayers to quit financing a lucrative entertainment industry.
The attorney general says the Justice Department will be more active in free speech cases on college campuses.
Reason's Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Eric Boehm, and Andrew Heaton discuss the president's NFL feud, Graham-Cassidy, and tax reform.
Public workplace (and schoolhouse) protests are as American as apple pie.
The league responds to a complaint about a complaint about police brutality.
Taxpayers shouldn't be supporting a sport that's giving kids brain damage and shouldn't build stadiums for billionaire NFL owners either.
The league's finances and its competitive structure suggest only suckers would buy-in right now. Unfortunately, many taxpayers may not have a choice.
The NFL's new chief medical officer says marijuana could be "really important" in treating short-term and chronic pain.
The NFL's opposition to legal medical pot (like the federal government's) increasingly runs against not only public opinion but common sense.
Football is more dangerous than pot.
An attempt to re-open the stupidest narrative of 2017 backfires spectacularly. When will the media learn to stop creating fake controversies?
The president likes to think so.
Anti-alcohol activists are haunted by the ghost of the original party animal.
FAA regulations thwart progress on drone use
When government regulates and restricts speech, everybody eventually loses.
Stadium deals are always bad for taxpayers, and this is one of many reasons why.
Huff was expected to remain on the team after his arrest, but was cut after pointing out many athletes carry guns.
May become a victim of irrational anti-gun sentiments too.
Taxpayer subsidy for one America's richest men and one of its worst NFL franchises sneaks through Nevada legislature.
"Go Team Go" is a bad argument for publicly-financed stadiums.
Outrage fest over national anthem continues.
Committee of "casino leaders and elected officials" votes to subsidize Sheldon Adelson and the Oakland Raiders.
Former football players push league to accept medical marijuana.
Freedom of expression and a tolerance for ideas that might offend are American ideals worth fighting for.
Vandalism at the Minnesota Vikings new stadium turned the $1.1 billion glass structure into a hulking metaphor about the folly of publicly-funded ballparks.
Star cornerback and Stanford grad says "make the billionaires who actually benefit from the stadiums pay for them."
Bombshell report says Baylor officials and coaches retaliated against rape accusers, but is maddeningly vague and short on details.
Hollywood, NFL lobby to block law in Georgia to the cheers of the left.
John Bel Edwards threatens to cut LSU football to pass one of the largest tax increases in state history.
How everything from seatbelts to bank deposit insurance can backfire
Black Lives Matter and LBGT imagery ran throughout America's most-watched 12-minute concert.
Even though the NFL team has left, taxpayers are still on the hook for stadium debt payments.
Spoiler: It didn't have a "wardrobe malfunction."
A tale of football, lawyers, and videotape
Activists and politicians warn of a roving horde of "trafficked" prostitutes that researchers just can't find.
How the NFL uses a taxpayer-funded tourist agency to subsidize its all-star game.
Politicians who voted to bring the Super Bowl to the Bay Area now want the NFL to pay for it.
When you've built a lead too big to fail, sometimes you play "butt-tight."
Or, how I learned to love taxes and embrace football stadiums.
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