Uber Fights Back With 'De Blasio Option' vs. NYC Bill to Limit Growth
You'll never guess how long it'll take to get a ride if the mayor gets his way.
You'll never guess how long it'll take to get a ride if the mayor gets his way.
A new lawsuit claims New York's affordable housing program discriminates against blacks and Latinos.
Neutron bombs could not have emptied and destroyed the Bronx more effectively than did rent control.
Stephen Levin wants to cap the number of livery cars while the city studies their environmental impact.
Miscellaneous "sexual contact" goes from Class B to Class A misdemeanor when it takes place on train or bus.
Icahn charter schools are helping to change one of the poorest parts of America. Here's how.
Three years in prison without a trial, often in solitary, contributed to young man's suicide.
New York's BitLicense will further complicate an already byzantine regulatory regime.
Reactionary policy tends to be bad policy.
Artists wanted to "draw a parallel between what Snowden was fighting for and the ideals that the American revolutionaries were fighting for."
Even if Asian nail salons are as exploitative and toxic as the Times says, the answer isn't more government oversight.
How can we regulate your app intelligently if you don't give us expensive devices on which to run them?
NYPD Chief Bratton holds firm for as many reasons for his forces to mess with citizens as they can get.
Securing First Amendment rights is in the public interest, writes judge.
On the 50th anniversary of the Landmarks Preservation Act, a re-evaluation of the mythic demise of an iconic train station.
The 50th anniversary of the Landmarks Act is an opportunity to mourn all the invisible buildings that will never exist because of a misguided law.
Putting the 'fruc' in 'infrastructure,' New York City edition
Doctors didn't believe Brock was followed by Obama on Twitter or had a banking job. Both are true.
Uber haters love to point to cab problems when they're found in Uber, but don't acknowledge problems unique to taxicabs.
Why can't our politics and culture handle expedited exchanges of services and goods for money?
The latest economic nonsense from the mayor of New York City.
Somebody tried to have a police shooting incident deleted entirely.
New York magazine's Andrew Rice defends Santiago Calatrava's "glorious boondoggle." Here's what he gets wrong.
An attempt to demonstrate that unions are compatible with high performing schools unravels.
Because throwing shade at capitalism is easier.
Whether or not the "sharing economy" is properly communal, it better satisfies human needs. Naturally people want to kill it.
Professional nostalgists advocate for regulations that actually make life more difficult for small businesses.
A charter school pioneer counters the political influence of organized labor.
Hizzoner's State of the City address omitted certain details.
Would you still have a job if your performance were described as "unsatisfactory" for six straight years?
Foundation for a Drug-Free World was previously kicked out of San Francisco schools for promoting "bogus science."
Manitoba's, one of the last punk rock dive bars in New York's East Village, fights for its life.
The former schools chancellor on the wisdom of shutting down "perpetual failure factories."
Disciplining offending officers is "complex" and "inconsistent."
The former CNN journalist has a new career as an ed reformer.
An earlier—and rowdier—revolt at the NYPD
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