Government Waste
Here's How the Government Is Wasting Your Tax Dollars
Manure marketing, golf course renovations, a DEA museum, and other wastes of public money.
Sen. Coburn Takes Aim Again at Wasteful Federal Spending
His last annual analysis before he retires
USPS Wants to Attach Electronic Sensors to Your Mail, Not Sure Why Yet
Step 1) Attach sensors Step 2) ????? Step 3) Profit
The City of Chicago Battles Blight—By Paying for Granite Counter Tops in a Gentrifying Neighborhood
How not to deal with abandoned foreclosed homes.
A Retiree Digitizes 27 Million Old Newspaper Pages in His Living Room (and Libraries Fight to Catch Up)
A wonderful new web portal for searching the old Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies
Flight 370 conspiracy theories; college basketball players should share NCAA revenue; distrust of NSA and Facebook; concerns about police misconduct
Dear Sacramento: Tossing Away $500 Million Is Why Your State Is Screwed
Bureaucrats can't get act together enough to recover huge sums in overpaid unemployment benefits.
Bill de Blasio Pledges $3 Million to NYC Fashion Industry
Eat the rich, then clothe them
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Took More Than Two Years to Crack Down on Fraudster Official Who Claimed to Work For CIA Too
John Beale doing jail time now
'The Kronies' Will Make You Laugh in Despair about the State of American Capitalism
It's funny because it's true. Wait ... that's awful, actually.
Government Wastes $100 Billion a Year on Payments Made in Error
According to The Fiscal Times
Reason Foundation Study Details Depths of Green Energy Crony Capitalism
Not an investment in the future but in people who know the right politicians
U.S. Government Keeps Shelling Out Money to the Dead
Yup, those Social Security numbers sure have been handy, eh?