California Equal Pay Law Mainly Boosts Pay of Lawyers
Governor signs bill that makes it easier to file discrimination grievance.
Governor signs bill that makes it easier to file discrimination grievance.
Governor signs bill requiring court orders for accessing things like texts and tracking location data.
Black Panthers, hunters, and "nuts with guns"
One focuses on limiting taxpayer liability; the other gives voters more say.
The measure includes a generous home cultivation limit, and it does not define drugged driving based on THC levels.
Allows mentally competent adults with terminal illnesses to legally get life-ending drugs.
Proponents trying to get past problems with how A.G. Harris officially summarizes proposal.
Progressive politicians from L.A. to New York face a crisis partly of their own making
But it might take another major economic downturn to get state officials to check out the problems.
'Historic' marijuana bill spotlights the importance of initiatives.
Better hope your city doesn't think your property would look better as a Bed, Bath & Beyond
Did they run out of overpriced, unnecessary projects in their own country?
Police lobbyists swarm the California Capitol to derail popular asset-forfeiture reform bill.
Bill fails, but the battle's not over.
Spurred by a general legalization initiative, the bills would explicitly allow commercial cultivation and distribution for the first time.
'Orientation' proposal sought to preempt possible Supreme Court decision next summer
Law and order lobbyists defeat due process.
California's participation in federal program threatened just by calling for better due process.
Golden State lawmaker proposes nickel tax on mixed drinks to fund disability programs.
No one should die at a music event, government officials say while mulling options that would make that more likely.
Forget about any civil liberties rebound, you're just California dreamin'.
Talking "Top Two" primaries with's Jason Olson
Everything's bigger in Texas, including the number of Golden State residents who move there.
Disappointment doesn't stop backers from offering new promises
Cops say John Berry tried to hit them with his car before they shot and killed him but family and witnesses disagree.
State officials are charting the regulatory and tax framework for a coming marijuana boom
Santa Ana officers tried to suppress a video that seems to show them sampling a dispensary's wares.
Will major civil liberties measure change the way California police behave?
Two tech companies offer services to develop prototype.
Casts attempts to give voters control over future benefits as stripping 'constitutional protections.'
Prosecutors will have to make the call themselves and take responsibility.
A novel fellowship program seems to be reducing crime.
Nothing new here: Officials spend extra taxes on themselves.
Governor attacks critics, fears human 'extinction' at climate-change confab.
Governor attacks critics, fears human 'extinction' at climate-change confab.
Judge temporarily prohibits one meeting interview to be released.
A California teacher is taking her fight with organized labor all the way to the Supreme Court.
Avian flu is not the only explanation.
Struggling Palm Lane Elementary School in Anaheim, California, will see new management.
The City by the Bay has a second, private police force...with a better record than the government cops.
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