Lawmakers and Regulators Act Like They Hate Farmers Markets
Existential threats from meddlesome rulemakers
Existential threats from meddlesome rulemakers
It's time for Virginia's restrictive regulation of alcohol sales to go.
The "Dairy Pride Act" calls for the FDA to crack down on cow-dairy alternatives that use terms like "milk" or "yogurt."
Outlaw quinoa runs rampant in Tampa.
"When celebrities-and celeb chefs like Jamie Oliver-render Spain's beloved dish unrecognizable, our culture suffers."
Treat people as individuals not just as members of an undifferentiated public health herd
Food historian Rachel Laudan on why we never add truffles to our turkeys.
Should we expect a scaling back of regulations or even repeals?
New book Biting the Hands that Feed Us says too many dumb laws get in the way of a sustainable, freer, better food system.
"Food Freedom" advocate Baylen Linnekin says fewer, smarter laws would make our food system more sustainable.
Prosecutor: 'I don't write the laws, I enforce them.'
A raid last month targeted a vendor who was selling chili at a farmers market.
Reason columnist Baylen Linnekin will talk about his new book in DC on Saturday, 1 P.M. at Politics & Prose.
That's ok, because human ingenuity and free markets satisfy increased demand.
"We'll look back on the factory-farm era with the same kind of ethical revulsion that we look back on slavery."
Yes, it takes a bill to allow the food to be sold at the appropriate temperature.
Massive fines over a very common home-based business.
Hurting farmers and consumers. Squeezing out competitors. Forcing production abroad. Causing food waste. What's not to love?
Is the foolish campaign against energy drinks fizzling out?
Does Michelle Obama know the DNC is a "food desert"?
The intended consequences of needlessly scaring consumers are bad enough, but now this too.
CNN host understands people have the right to hold incorrect politics and still do business in the U.S.
LocoL will open its second location in Oakland next week.
New data out of Mexico pour cold water over heated rhetoric.
One big step forward; two temporary steps back.
Ripoffs and remixes in the food industry drive talented creators to new heights.
This is what happens when government regulators control definitions of words.
Parents feed babies candy, soda, and chips. What does this have to do with the industry?
Popular chef wants to bring healthier choices to the inner city with new restaurant LocoL.
A judge stopped mandatory labels, which had been set to take full effect this week.
Can we really say taxes that reduce consumption but aren't reducing obesity are effective?
Hygiene violations like "torn packaging" could end Berlin's food-sharing fridges.
Arizona has a ban on potlucks. For real.
"When he f**k me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster," sings Queen Bey, and suddenly every day is Lobster Fest.
Christie might believe in food freedom but he's a militant drug prohibitionist.
Selling homemade baked goods can lead to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Home bakers sue for the right to sell their wares.
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