Radley Balko on George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the Libertarian Case for Criminal Justice Reform
How to reduce police killings and enact lasting change.
How to reduce police killings and enact lasting change.
Every encounter with armed agents of the state has the potential to end tragically, which is a good reason to minimize such encounters.
"I have previously expressed my doubts about our qualified immunity jurisprudence," writes Associate Justice Clarence Thomas in a dissent.
How to stop police killings and enact real, lasting reforms.
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The comedian expresses rage over police brutality while offering optimism for a better world.
Will progressives alienate allies and squander this opportunity for change?
Citing work from Reason, players and coaches from the NFL, NBA, and MLB are urging Congress to end qualified immunity.
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Leave people room to experiment with approaches to protecting life, liberty, and property.
All that accomplishes is encouraging us to view our fellow Americans as enemies, to see ourselves as members of warring tribes rather than citizens of a nation.
Rep. Tom McClintock (R–Calif.) announced he will support the Ending Qualified Immunity Act.
If "defunding the police" means abolishing them completely, it's a bad idea. But there are ways to use cuts in funding to improve police incentives for the better.
Responding to a medical alert they knew was erroneous, White Plains officers killed the man they supposedly were trying to help.
It's a perverse kind of progress, but it's progress all the same.
“Officers don’t have the time to pull out law books and analyze the fine points of judicial precedent.”
After George Floyd’s death, the city will bring in outside advisers to recommend changes to make policing more transparent and accountable.
With Trump opposed too, there's little hope that a serious police reform bill will get through Congress anytime soon.
Is the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone a brave experiment in self-government or just flash-in-the-pan activism?
The state boasts of blocking 754 illegal purchases, but it wrongly tagged 101,047 law-abiding people as prohibited. Any of them could have been targeted.
Statements by China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and North Korea use U.S. violence against protesters and journalists to point out American hypocrisy on the global stage.
The criminal complaints against Derek Chauvin and three other officers rely on expansive liability principles that reformers usually oppose.
Videos of police abuse haven't stopped police brutality. But they've helped build a consensus for police reform.
The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' decision is "a precedent-setting error of exceptional public importance," writes dissenting judge.
Abolishing qualified immunity is a crucial step in holding police accountable for violating our rights.
Federal spending on policing has quadrupled since the 1980s, while state and local spending has increased by about one-third.
Sometimes a "few bad apples" is systemic rot.
Union leaders show very little interest in considering collective bargaining’s role in protecting bad cops.
A spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety says they were scared people would drive too fast.
No amount of protesting is likely to reduce police brutality in the absence of structural reforms that increase accountability, competition, choice, and incentives.
It's not likely to have the chilling effect he expects. Unfortunately, it might not do as much as criminal justice reformers expect either.
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Why racial profiling is an important problem, why it's so difficult to address, and what can nonetheless be done about it.
If Art Acevedo had any shame, he would be engaging in less grandstanding and more introspection.
The upheaval over police abuses has damaged America's image in the world, especially coming on the heels of other blows to American "soft power." We can and should do better.
The GOP claims to be the party of freedom. If that's true, they should rethink policies that embolden bad police behavior.
His famous line that a "riot is the language of the unheard" is often taken out of context.
America has survived worse in terms of urban unrest. But that's not necessarily reason for optimism.
Reducing law enforcement requires more than merely cutting and shifting a budget.
From tighter use-of-force rules to eliminating qualified immunity, here are some reforms that could make a real difference.
A complete end to police on campus probably isn't in the cards, but smaller victories are within reach.
Gun opponents would leave predatory cops armed and their victims helpless.
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Two Buffalo police officers have been suspended and the man is in the hospital.
Would you be surprised if you learned the former district attorney was caught leasing an SUV with asset forfeiture funds?
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Three other former Minneapolis police officers are now charged with aiding and abetting Chauvin.
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