Rand Paul: 'Idiots in the Republican Party' Want War in Syria and So Does Hillary Clinton
Candid moment from Paul's livestream
Candid moment from Paul's livestream
In his 60 Minutes interview, the president stumped for his vice president, not his former secretary of state.
Clinton is laying out the liberal agenda, and in some sense defining it. But in another way, she's also being defined by it.
Federal judge says he has no FOIA authority over Clinton's private email system.
Clinton wants to make gun manufacturers financially liable for misuse of their products and require background checks for all gun transfers.
Like the president, the presumptive Democratic nominee assumes we can identify mass shooters before they strike.
What happened to gun control from 2000 to 2012? Funny you should ask...
The vast reach of government as a payer for health care means that drug companies are to a large degree government contractors, and patients are suffering.
More background checks, more assault weapon bans, more suits against gun makers and sellers, and expanding group of people to whom gun ownership bans apply.
There are rare exceptions, but this is how it usually goes.
The sudden convergence of political interests, at the expense of policy soundness, around Obamacare reveals how shaky the law's foundation remains.
There's more truth in Dunham's fiction.
The Secretary of State's office says it sought to "balance" a CBS segment on WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.
How the Democratic presidential candidate kept an email controversy alive
An exclusive Q&A with the Girls auteur subtly reveals why Clinton is dazzling fewer and fewer voters.
Nearly 1,000 new emails to be handed over for investigation.
Perhaps waiting to see if Biden enters the race.
Some 33,000 emails Hillary Clinton thought she destroyed probably still could be recovered.
The Democratic frontrunner has handled the issue badly, and in the process has dredged up bad memories of Clinton scandals past.
Donald Trump is leading the GOP field-and closing in on Hillary Clinton.
The email scandal only gets worse.
The presumptive Democratic nominee promises to eliminate addiction once and for all.
"I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material."
Wanted to essentially refight the confirmation battle (from the other side this time)
No man is a hero to his valet. And no secretary of state looks good asking for TV listings, envying Princess Di's P.R., and following up on gelfite fish.
Actually, there is classified material.
...from Hillary Clinton supporters, no less.
Endorsed Hillary Clinton earlier this month.
Also, lots of people think Clinton is a liar.
Like border walls for Republicans, pathway-to-citizenship for Democrats is a recent emphasis
Read (and weep at) the 1996 party platform on immigration, crime, drugs and "zero tolerance"
Someone's got to be the Anybody But Clinton candidate, unless they're already in the field.
Forget Trump, how about Clinton, Cruz, and Carson?
Democratic candidates are endorsing—or paying lip service to—reform. What will happen in the GOP?
Her explanations remind one of Bill's word-splitting playbook.
Campaign released transcript of 15-minute meeting, protesters released video.
Leading Democratic presidential contender sloughs off complicity in mass incarceration, tells protesters they need to figure things out.
Would the administration actually charge the candidate promising to extend Obama's policies?
War on teen opportunity
Reagan was in favor of legalizing illegal immigrants. What the hell happened to the GOP? Bill Clinton was in favor of free trade. What happened to the Dems?
The Democratic frontrunner's untruthful responses to the private email scandal prove she can't be trusted.
What leading liberal candidates are saying, and not saying, about improving the nation's justice system.
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