California Asset Forfeiture Reform Heading to Approval
Police will have to get convictions in many cases before taking people's stuff.
Police will have to get convictions in many cases before taking people's stuff.
Yes, it takes a bill to allow the food to be sold at the appropriate temperature.
Years ago, Anaheim gained notice for its freedom-friendly way of governing. Now, the city is pursuing the command, control and subsidize approach seen elsewhere
No oversight, no notification, and sometimes no supporting evidence.
We can't let one bad judgement tempt us signal feminism by sacrificing justice.
If you're trying to make a Catholic college accept married gay couples, maybe just accept that you've won this war and stand down.
Without the threat of jail time, victims won't have incentive to testify, prosecutors complain.
Former county administrator made $340K in 2015, as CalPERS taxpayer-backed debt climbed to $139 billion.
Compromise will require convictions before taking citizens' stuff below a value threshold.
Insurance commish wants companies to "voluntarily" divest from coal
The cellphone tracking instrument has had questionable success.
They're still outmatched by supporters (and the polls).
Raids on facilities and attempts at asset forfeiture.
Underperforming the market, overestimating future success
Are races truly 'more competitive' when people are less inclined to cast ballots?
And don't forget that massive wage increase coming!
Convicted Scott Shatford says he risked the $3,500 fine because "that's what one of my properties makes in a month."
Despite legalization successes in other states, senator declares opposition to marijuana initiative in California.
From drones to self-driving cars, bureaucrats seek to regulate industries before they even have a chance to develop.
CHP cops are supposed to be testing body cameras this year
The Bullet Button Reloaded disables the magazine release until the rifle is opened.
Voters will have 16 other issues to consider Election Day.
One bill the California governor signed will require uncompensated destruction, sale, or confiscation of existing peacefully owned magazines with a capacity of larger than 10.
New tax bill in California treats vaping products like tobacco products.
"Buying a teen for sex is child abuse," warned Oakland city billboards as its police force passed around a teenager for sex.
The Adult Use of Marijuana Act qualifies for the ballot.
New revelations are just the latest to demonstrate a point Reason has been documenting since 2008
"Beat the fascists. Beat them."
Orange County report paints a bleak, but unsurprising picture
The long-corrupt department is reeling from scandals involving teen prostitution and racist text messages.
A transparency bill that would require 72 hours for review of legislation before its voted on is meeting a lot of resistance.
The arrests are also part of plan to force shut affordable motels to make way for high-density apartment buildings.
Legislation reintroduced to require a conviction for asset forfeiture.
Political fight includes controversy over robocall in favor of ethics commission
Top-two primary system guarantees a Democratic replacement for Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Even as Clinton reaches the delegate threshold, the Dems attempt to cater.
East meets South in Orange County, California.
The governor who was the 1992 version of Bernie Sanders and thorn-in-Bill-Clinton's side goes mainstream and backs the frontrunner.
Some want to legally target those who donate to think tanks that encourage skepticism.
California undermines public health by arbitrarily classifying e-cigarettes as tobacco products.
Classifying vaping devices as tobacco products will deter smokers from making a switch that could save their lives.
Can't rely on government to oversee itself.
The Golden State's complex primary system may not benefit him, but the fight will help state-level Democrats.
Ballot initiative in the works.
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