Lenore Skenazy is president of Let Grow, a nonprofit promoting childhood independence and resilience, and founder of the Free-Range Kids movement.
Lenore Skenazy
Latest from Lenore Skenazy
Fix the Sex Offender Registry: This 19-Year-Old Is Not a Threat to Children
Public shaming, not public safety
Is It Rape to Hold Someone's Hand Without Explicit Consent?
The Princess and the Pea's revenge
Mom Charged With Endangerment for Letting 7-Year-Old Play in Park Right Across the Street
Cops took the kid to the precinct, rather than her house.
Two Parents Weren't Sure How Their Little Girl Fractured Her Leg, So CPS Took the Kids
Another heart-wrenching state-sanctioned kidnapping.
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender, Banned from Internet.
Girl admits he did nothing wrong, has asked prosecutor to drop the case.
Reason Weekly Contest: Begin a 'Viral' Moral Panic Facebook Post
Last week's winners revealed.
Trouble Not Over for Florida Parents of 11-Year-Old Taken in CPS Dispute
It's an unbelievable story. But it's true.
11-Year-Old Boy Played in His Yard. CPS Took Him, Felony Charge for Parents.
An interview with two parents who lost their kids... over nothing.
*Updated: Cops, Media Applaud Local Busybody for Bravely Harassing Dad Who Briefly Left Kid Alone
Maybe try minding your own business and not exaggerating the threat to kids in parked cars?
Reason Weekly Contest: Name a Subsidized Sports Stadium!
Last week's winners revealed
Worst School Shooting Drill Ever Featured Actual Hooded Assailant
Terrified kids huddled together
Boy Scouts Can't Squirt Squirt Guns at Each Other and Must Use Goggles
Definitely not helping the uncoolness factor of being a Scout
Man Helps Boy Retrieve Ball. Don't Worry, The Police Are Investigating.
What are they going to charge him with? Attempted kindness?
Reason Weekly Contest: Invent a Trigger Warning for a Children's Book!
Win a free subscription to the magazine
Two Readers React to the Viral Video About Mass Kidnappings and Stranger Danger
Blame bad luck, not bad parenting
Viral 'Social Experiment' Parenting Video Peddles Outrageously False Claims About Stranger Danger
No, strangers don't grab 700 kids every day
Cops Visit Parents After Boy, 4, Takes Off Clothes and Runs Outside
Cops promise "further action" if it happens again
Lego Store Detains 11-Year-Old Boy for Shopping Without Dad
Store: It should be obvious to any good parent that children under 12 shouldn't be in a store unattended."
Why We Don't Need Helicopter Parenting: Our Children Are Fundamentally Safe
Against worst-first thinking
Free-Range Kids Celebrates Leave Your Kids at the Park Day This Saturday
It's never been safer for kids to play outside.
Vid: 5 Insane Devices for Monitoring Your Kids
GPS trackers, biometric monitors, and diapers that analyze your baby's poop and pee.
Parents of Kids Taken Away By CPS: They Were Terrified
Has this incident made the Meitiv children any safer?
Maryland Parents Panic When Their Kids Are Once Again Confiscated By CPS
"You don't understand how cruel bureaucracy can be."
Autistic Child Wanders Off, Mom Calls 911, Is Accused of Neglect
No parent can see everything.
What a Suicidal Pilot Can Teach Us About Trying to Predict All Risk
Watch out when folks play the "safety card." Consider what we might lose in its pursuit.
When British Students Play Video Games, Teachers Will Sic the Cops on Their Parents
Does the state need to save kids from violent video games? NO.
Parents Must Sign Permission Slip Before Kids Can Eat Oreos
They are double stuff, after all.
New Playground Safety Requirements Are Absurd
The chances of a child dying or seriously hurting himself in a playground fall are infinitesimal.
College Students: Stop Acting Like You're Made of Sugar Candy
No wonder students are equally scared of rapists and a discussion of rape culture! They have grown up under the mantra: Everything is dangerous.
This Mom Beat Ridiculous 'Child Neglect' Charges, But Life Is Still Tough
What happened after the charges were dropped.
Proposed Law Would Label Parents of Fat Kids "Child Abusers"
One extra helping of mofongo and Puerto Rican parents are fonged.