Local Governments Play Scrooge To Stop People from Helping the Needy
Do you have a license for that refrigerator stocked with free food?
What 9/11 and the Financial Crisis Teach Us About COVID-19
Sometime in 2021, the American people will be presented with a reorganized and newly empowered federal public health bureaucracy. As time passes, it will grow in size and scope.
The CDC Is Still Botching the Coronavirus Testing Process
The disease control agency is a poster child for bureaucratic incompetence.
America Wasn't Ready for Coronavirus
Early takeaways from the country's response to a pandemic
Hawaiian Brewery Under Investigation for Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
Absurd enforcement of liquor regulations harms public health efforts.
Dump the FDA for a Healthier America
The agency has hampered widespread COVID-19 testing and the production of both protective gear and hand sanitizer.
How Techies Ignored the Bureaucrats and Helped the COVID-19 Response
They were mocked for sounding the alarm. Now they're the ones providing the solutions.
The Coronavirus Testing Debacle Stems From Decades of Bad FDA Policy
The agency's emphasis on caution over speed led to needless suffering and loss of life long before the COVID-19 pandemic.
FDA Relaxes Rules To Allow for More Ventilators, Finally
Restrictions have been loosened to help ramp up production.
How the Government Is Using Nonsense Rules to Keep Out Immigrants
Plus: South Park, Fortnite currency, D.C. food trucks, and more...
The Department of Homeland Security Is a Mess of Misconduct and Ineptitude
Longstanding discipline problems at DHS provide a glimpse of what fans of bigger government on the right and left would inflict on us.
Stossel: Lessons From Africa
Entrepreneur Magatte Wade explains how regulations are keeping Africa poor.
Utah Is Letting Lots of Government Employees Work From Home
And it's actually kind of great.
HBO's Chernobyl Highlighted Government Malfeasance and Administrative Evil
The show wasn't about a nuclear disaster per se, but about how a government—and individuals—reacted in the face of disaster.
Let's Move More Federal Agencies Out of Washington
There's no need for most federal agencies to be stationed in the nation's capital, one of the most expensive cities in the country.
An Amber Alert Was Botched Because Detectives Struggled To Work a Fax Machine. Wait, What?
While well-intentioned, the alert system is often ineffective.
Try Common Sense and Dump Old Right-Left Ideologies, Says Philip K. Howard in New Book: Podcast
He also offers up concrete proposals not just to reform government but to route around it and get on with our lives already.
This Insane Battle To Block a New Apartment Building Explains Why San Francisco and Other Cities Are So Expensive
Bob Tillman has spent nearly 5 years and $1.4 million trying to convert his laundromat into new housing.
The European Union Wants to Control the Internet—and You
How a risk-averse bureaucracy across the ocean may decide what you say and do online.
Patients Will Feel the Pain as FDA Slams Medical Device Industry With Growing Regulatory Burdens
Businesses that founder or just never get launched won't suffer anywhere nearly as much as the people who would have benefited from their innovations.
Nevada Assembly Candidate Dennis Hof Loses Brothel License
Love Ranch, a brothel owned by Nevada Assembly candidate Dennis Hof, loses their brothel license.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The V.A. Has a New Boss, But Will He Fix the Agency's Problems?
New chief Robert Wilkie is in a position to tackle the agency's bureaucratic mismanagement. Will he?
How We Became a 'Nation of Narcs' and How To Fix It: Podcast
Reason's Mike Riggs discusses how class anxiety, busybodyism, and a lack of empathy are making America a less-great country.
A Nation of Narcs
Americans have developed a nasty habit of inviting the state into people's lives for tiny offenses. Here are three ways to turn back the tide.
Under Trump, Elizabeth Warren Suddenly Discovers the Downside of Unaccountable Federal Agencies
Maybe don't give the other side the rope to hang you with.
D.C. Public School Chief Resigns After Sneaking His Kids Into Top School
Top public school officials will risk their careers to have school choice. Maybe they should let everyone else have it too.
Can Big Data Help Save Abused Kids?
The quest to fix our messy, meddlesome foster care bureaucracies
Goat Yoga Gets Baaaaaa-nned
The D.C. Department of Health wants to protect farm animals from the ancient Hindu practice.
The TSA Turns Harassing Travelers Into a Fine—and Pointless—Art
Security officials who fail every test thrown their way, plan to inflict the punishment for those shortcomings on airline passengers.
A Deep Dive Into Dysfunction in City Government in Richmond
A review of the bureaucracy in the Virginia capital found what most people suspected, that City Hill stinks.
Here's What It's Like To Be a Refugee
Refugees' full energies are devoted to earning money and absent family members overseas.
New College Crime Bill Deputizes Professors as Campus Security, Further Federalizes Campus Rape Investigations, and Adds Huge Fines for Schools That Don't Comply
The bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act could cost colleges millions for failure to follow complex and costly new sexual-misconduct policies.
Why Do D.C. Evictions Require Rifle-Wielding U.S. Marshals?
How many movers-and armed federal agents-does it take to evict a D.C. tenant? Too many, thanks to weird government regulations.
U.S. Government Websites 'Fail to Meet Basic Standards,' New Report Says
92 percent of the most popular federal government websites just don't work as they should.
Trump's Executive Orders on Crime are More of the Same, Just More Intense Rhetoric, Says Harvey Silverglate
Trump's orders are "draconian" but Obama gets too much credit for too little actual criminal justice reform, according to famed civil liberties attorney.
Trump, Twitter, and the Revolt of the Permanent Government
Trump rose to power on tweets; maybe tweets will take him down too.
England's Creeping Nanny State
How excessive regulation into every aspect of life is ruining the English country lifestyle.
Woman Locked Up For 49 Days Without Bail Because of a Bureaucratic Mistake
A bureaucratic nightmare takes a mother away from her young child for almost two months.