How Vaping 'Might Just Save Your Life!'
In the panic to ban and regulate electronic cigarettes, media and politicians are ignoring the benefits of vaping.
In the panic to ban and regulate electronic cigarettes, media and politicians are ignoring the benefits of vaping.
The legislation would also prevent those under 21 from purchasing vaping products.
Anti-smoking advocacy groups have a long history of exploiting shoddy science for political gain.
The city is banning e-cigarettes while actual cigarettes remain legal.
Plus: Six-week abortion bans are proliferating, extremism as excuse for censorhip, Soylent made a snack bar
Rep. Richard Creagan declares cigarette sales the moral equivalent of slavery and murder.
The Food and Drug Administration can't ban cigarettes outright. But the agency appears to be planning a workaround.
We'll trust teenagers with decisions about how to run the country, but not how to run their own lives.
Tenants are challenging a HUD rule that requires local public housing authorities across the country to prohibit people from smoking in their homes.
Bans of flavored tobacco products end up leaving smokers with few options for kicking the habit, and do little to improve public health.
New York's smokers would be hit with yet another prohibition.
A government for the children, of the children, by the children.
A proposal would allow the social consumption of cannabis.
Politicians should butt out of people's personal habits.
If you want to vape, it has to taste terrible and cost full price.
Updating rules to include "the use of electronic cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems" in national parks.
The anti-tobacco crusade says it wants to reduce smoking, but it's also interested in increasing revenue, a competing interest.
Denver voters rejected the idea that marijuana use should be confined to the home.
An analysis of data from nearly 2,000 counties finds no evidence that smoking restrictions produce short-term reductions in heart attacks.
California undermines public health by arbitrarily classifying e-cigarettes as tobacco products.
Classifying vaping devices as tobacco products will deter smokers from making a switch that could save their lives.
The market for cigars is about to become a lot less diverse and a lot more boring.
Civil liberties increasingly threatened under state of emergency that's been extended for 6 months.
Duncan Hunter tries to show that vaping is quite different from smoking.
World Health Organization is fighting to bar children from seeing smoking in films without a guardian. As far as Zika virus goes, there is plenty of international coordinating to do.
Proposed rule treats poor people like children and exposes government paternalism at its most naked.
This is class-based paternalism in action.
This month's Nanny of the Month award goes to the Garden State for its anti-smoking zealotry.
Mark Leno's bill would prohibit vaping everywhere smoking is prohibited.
Some students are irritated about the ban, but who are they to stand athwart history?
Definitely not a police state.
For visitors to Denver, legally buying marijuana is easy, but legally smoking it is hard.
Are e-cigs the most important public health breakthrough of our time?
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