Peter Bagge on Underground Comics, Immigration, and Being a Libertarian Artist: Podcast
The cartoonist talks about being libertarian, why Marvel is OK with "serums" but not drugs, and how comic books have evolved over the past 30 years.
The cartoonist talks about being libertarian, why Marvel is OK with "serums" but not drugs, and how comic books have evolved over the past 30 years.
We live in desperate times when the brake on both Democratic socialism and Republican executive-branch abuse is a 78-year-old San Francisco Democrat.
Jordan Shapiro's The New Childhood boldly embraces technological innovation and the interconnected world it's creating.
Former BB&T Bank CEO John Allison vs. Moody's Mark Zandi
The perils-and profits-of being identity-focused in business, content, and audience
Reason's movie reviewer handicaps the Academy Awards and explains why this is the best and worst time to be a consumer of popular culture.
Frank talk about evolution, feminism, politics, and why we don't want to acknowledge social progress.
How an independent helped shape the Democratic policy agenda.
For his new book, Timothy Carney toured parts of the country that are working and parts that are not. What he found is deeply disturbing.
Noah Rothman says the right and the left are using appeals to victimization and identity politics to gain political power.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown talks about DHS's "Blue Campaign," which is pushing hotel and airline workers to call the feds if they suspect human trafficking.
"The agenda I will lay out this evening is not a Republican Agenda or a Democrat Agenda. It is the agenda of the American People."
What comes next in the Virginia governor scandal, why "Medicare for All" ain't happening, and how Baby Boomers are a fatberg clogging America's cultural sewers
José Ignacio Guédez, a member of the oppostion party La Causa R, says economic sanctions and political pressure will help restore democracy.
Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch talk about the deep and ever-changing political and cultural meaning of football's biggest game.
Assessing Elizabeth Warren's "tippy-top" tax, Howard Schultz's presidential candidacy, Donald Trump's shutdown-shutdown, and more
Q&A with the president of National School Choice Week, Andrew Campanella
The Manhattan Institute's Howard Husock debates Economic Policy Institute's Richard Rothstein at the Soho Forum.
Covingtongate, Buzzfeed's bomb, Baby Hitler, Kamalamentum…maybe it's time to pull the plug.
Nancy Rommelmann and Leah McSweeney on the "toxic femininity" of Asia Argento, anti-Semitism at the Women's March, and 21st-century sexual liberation.
He also offers up concrete proposals not just to reform government but to route around it and get on with our lives already.
Rebutting Krugman, cracking on Graham, and searching in vain for "freedom" in a caucus.
Q&A about the rise of right-wing "grifters" such as Charlie Kirk, the death of The Weekly Standard, and the future of the American right.
What to expect at LibertyCon, the annual meeting of the largest libertarian student group on the planet (plus how to get 40 percent off registration).
What conservatives against "market fundamentalism" can tell you about libertarians without power
Jonathan Hoenig, a devotee of Ayn Rand, founder of Capitalist Pig investments, and editor of The New Textbook of Americanism, isn't pulling any punches.
The #Resistance GOP mixes tonal civility with foreign-policy hawkishness and immigration amnesia.
The next Reason/Soho Forum, in New York on January 14, pits Richard Rothstein vs. Howard Husock on how to correct a historic wrong.
Michael Shermer, Ron Bailey, and Jim Epstein talk poverty-eradication, genomics, and blockchain at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration
J.D. Tuccille, Lisa Snell, and Rob Long discuss the democratization of everything at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration.
Reason editors' best and worst moments of 2018, including the president's welcome and long-overdue drawdown from Afghanistan
Peter Suderman, Len Gilroy, and C. Boyden Gray diagnose the country's many fiscal woes, and offer some solutions, at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration.
One year after Net Neutrality, connection speed is up, the discrimination critics feared is non-existent, and the debate about Internet regulation is abysmal.
Economists Kenneth Rogoff and Lawrence H. White face off over what the impact would be of a ban on cryptocurrency and phaseout of the $100 bill.
Listen to former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' keynote at our 50th anniversary dinner.
Tao Lin's Trip details how the author's experience with LSD, DMT, psilocybin, and more blew his mind while making him more human.
Also: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owns the cons while spouting policy B.S.
Jacob Sullum, Dana Rohrabacher, and Adrian Moore talk about the next steps in ending the war on drugs at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration.
Drinks Reform editor Jarrett Dieterle talks about how Prohibition came about, and his new report on America's dumbest booze restrictions.
Also: How much should we care that Trump & co. lied in 2016 about a Putin-proximate real estate deal in Russia?
Watch the Oxford-style debate hosted by the Soho Forum.
Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Peter Suderman, and Matt Welch take your questions.
Reason editors check their premises on immigration.
Nadine Strossen, Eugene Volokh, and Stephanie Slade discuss freedom of speech, assembly, and religion at Reason's 50th anniversary.
One of Reason's founding editors, attorney Manny Klausner, tells tales from the early days of the magazine of "Free Minds and Free Markets."
Assessing the import of presidential tantrums, media hyperbole, military complaints, and the near-arrival of federal sentencing reform
What should the culture of free speech, free expression, and ownership look like on our social media platforms?
So far, the world is kind of listening. Q&A with the co-host of The Fifth Column and co-founder of Freethink Media.
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