If David Duke Won, Wouldn't Republicans Have to Vote for Him?
The Donald Trump argument.
The Donald Trump argument.
This was the powerful highlight of the Democratic National Convention.
It's an on-brand choice for the Democratic Socialist senator.
Here's what the Democratic nominee will say, and how it will be received.
Are races truly 'more competitive' when people are less inclined to cast ballots?
Gary Johnson took online audience questions on issues such as abortion, military interventions, Edward Snowden, gun rights, the drug war, immigration, and more.
Gun violence, police abuse, and feminism loom large in pop-up art exhibit at DNC
When the Secret Service does the bidding of the two major political parties, free speech is abridged.
Says Americans have to come together and embrace the freedoms the founding fathers established.
Clinton's policies would increase the debt less-but would still leave the budget on an unsustainable path.
To chants of "Jill not Hill"
Mark Penn points out you might even get peanut butter avocado at an ice cream parlor.
Even Nixon released his taxes while under audit.
Both Bill and Hillary Clinton continue to thrive despite their remarkable record of sleazy dealings.
Ima Matul was a victim of forced labor, or labor trafficking. In the U.S. and around the world, it's as common if not more common than sex trafficking.
The omission is consistent with Hillary Clinton's disdain for the right to armed self-defense.
The Libertarian candidates are gaining ground in national polls. Can they keep it up?
Libertarian candidate now getting more Google searches than in 2012.
The 2008 DNC was filled with confident vows about taming the Russian bear. So much for that.
Protectionism is popular only with party elites, not regular Americans.
More evidence that both major political parties are in the midst of a meltdown.
Kid Rock and escorts and Trump porn, oh my
Attempt at deflection sends a message that voter frustration is irrelevant.
Same song, different strongman
Unlike Donald Trump, the Democratic nominee's ideas are frighteningly clear
From clamping down on free speech to interventionist foreign policy to growing government, the Democratic nominee is way out of step.
Millennial Montanans Daniel Zolnikov and Nick Schwaderer cite the Libertarian ticket's positions on war, surveillance, spending, debt, and trade
"I'm talking territory instead of Muslim," he says, but adds that the Constitution "doesn't necessarily give us the right to commit suicide."
Republican #NeverTrumpers won't back their party's nominee but will they support Gary Johnson?
Totes up total talk time, applause, and cheering.
Here's a quick guide to what Democrats and Republicans don't get about 20-year trends in violent crime and shootings.
GOP delegates from D.C. also switch to the L.P. candidate, but don't believe those Jeb Bush rumors.
Prepare for another round of 'The system is rigged.'
More than 100 days left until the election.
The speakers at the Republican Convention reevaluate their newly-crowned nominee.
The GOP presidential nominee had only one solution to every problem: Give him more power.
Trump's former rival says Clinton is too dishonest to be president, but Trump has said stuff conservatives like.
Republican delegates booed when he told them to vote their conscience.
But low-skilled workers are the ones who suffer when government makes it more expensive to employ people.
Is this the first post-reality campaign?
America's greatness will never grow by giving people more reasons to hate than hope.
Q&A with senior adviser to the #NeverTrump Super PAC, Rory Cooper.
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