Polyamorous Brazilian Trio Joined in Civil Union, Say Same-Sex Unions Paved the Way
The three women want to be able to raise a family together and share maternal rights.
How "Militarized" Is Your College?
From Harvard to Duke to Rutgers to University of Phoenix, here's a ranking of top universities favored by the military-industrial complex.
Trump's Radical Isolationism and the Crisis of White Middle-Class America
He's succeeding because he has both a scapegoat and a solution for hurting Americans
Representative Government Is Fiction
If we really live under a representative government, how can a president take the country to war in Syria without even a show vote in Congress?
Charges Dropped Against #KillAllWhiteMen Tweeter Bahar Mustafa
"There is not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction," says British law enforcement.
Despite All Issue 3's Flaws, It Felt GREAT Voting for Legal Pot in Ohio
It will feel even better the next time around with the full force of a 58 percent majority moving on from one of the great failures of the past 100 years.
Iran's Drug War is Disgusting, Depraved…And Commended by the United Nations
The Iranian government traffics in drugs and executes drug dealers. What's not to love?
Why I'm Voting For Pot Legalization (Issue 3) in Ohio
It's not a perfect law by any stretch, but it would mean the end of the war on pot
The Wickedness of Our Foreign Policy
Individual persons who did no harm to anyone are being slaughtered and starved with the help of American politicians and military bureaucrats.
Should There Be *Any* Limits to Self-Fashioning?: Al Roker as Charlie Brown Edition
The Today Show tests the limits of tolerance and pluralism. And movie tie-ins.
How Climate Change Activism Harms Third World Countries
The world can't avert climate catastrophe without climate injustice.
European Parliament Wants to Give Snowden Sanctuary
Nonbinding vote urges member states to let the whistleblower in.
Let Us Now Praise Alan Grayson For Standing Against Cronyism
Florida representative the only House Dem to vote against reauthorizing Export-Import Bank.
Stop Perpetuating War by Exalting Its Sacrifices
A reminder upon the death of U.S. Army Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler, the first American to die in combat in Iraq since 2011.
GOP Debate: Somewhere in That Blob of Candidates Beats a Libertarian Heart
Nobody went full libertarian, but belief in limited government started to show around the edges.
Hillary Clinton's Dumb Power
Will the Republicans nominate someone who can challenge the former secretary of state's reckless warmongering?
House Pushes Forward to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank, Crown Jewel of Crony Capitalism
If this is how a Republican-led Congress acts, who do they think they're kidding when they talk about limited government?
LEGO Won't Provide Bricks for Ai Weiwei's "Political Works," But His Fans Will
Everything is not awesome when it comes to subversive reappropriation of colored plastic bricks to protest authoritarianism.
Anti-Pot Group Names Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders Worst Candidates on Marijuana
Can you guess who Smart Alternatives to Marijuana (Project SAM) thinks are the best candidates? Probably, even if you're tripping balls right now.
"Reagan Allowed Himself to Imagine a World Without The Soviet Union"
Novelist Thomas Mallon on the Cold War, gay Republicans, Facebook vs. the novel, & why "95% of writers he knows are liberal Democrats."
Why Brute Force Will be Necessary to Avert "Climate Catastrophe"
Sweet talk at Paris can't eliminate the Sophie's Choice that the world faces
Hillary Is Full of It But Republicans Are Worse: On This, Maureen Dowd & Ron Paul Agree.
The liberal New York Times columnist and the libertarian ex-congressman are right to focus on failed Libya policy writ large.
Friday A/V Club: The Totalitarian Hand
An aging Eastern European animator's protest against Stalinism
Nick Gillespie Talks Hillary, Trump, Libertarianism w Hot Air's Jazz Shaw & OTB's Doug Mataconis
...and much, much more on the Politinerds podcast.
Hillary Clinton Knew All Along Benghazi Attack Had "Nothing To Do With The Film," Documents Reveal
What difference at this point does it make? If you value free speech, a lot.
Are You Better Off Now Than You Were 20, 30, 40 Years Ago?
Declinists who focus on inequality and stagnant wages miss increased freedom and opportunities.
The Hillary Doctrine: Create Instability, Wing it, Then Refuse to 'Retreat'
The Democratic frontrunner takes the exact wrong lesson from an illegal, ill-advised war
Edward Snowden's Lawyer on the Government's War on Whistleblowers
Jesselyn Radack reveals what happens when whistleblowers go through those "proper channels" we're always hearing about.
Is Instability the Goal of U.S. Policy in the Middle East?
Our lethal and self-defeating Middle East policy appears more aimed at Iran and its allies than at the radical jihadi network that perpetrated 9/11.
Nick Gillespie Talks Smack About Joe Biden & Paul Ryan…
On HuffPost Live, no holds are barred and no quarter is given. And I really let it rip regarding how lucky we are Biden isn't running.
Wikileaks Posts Emails They Claim Come From CIA Director John Brennan's Hacked Account - Sensitive Personal Info Included
Unredacted personal information of Brennan's and his relatives included among the documents.
[Updated with Ryan's Statement!] Paul Ryan's Conditions to Serve as Speaker Should Disqualify Him
Irony alert: GOP running aground as it reaches its most zenith of historic power.
On Soundcloud: How Should Libertarians Think About Intellectual Property?
Listen now as thinkers from Cato, Mercatus, FreedomWorks, and R Street talk about copyright, patents, history, and cronyism.
Capitalism Is Good and Bernienomics Doesn't Work
Also, who will be the last American to die for the mistake of staying in Afghanistan?
How Should Libertarians Think About Intellectual Property?
Brink Lindsey, Sasha Moss, Wayne Brough, Eli Dourado, and Nick Gillespie talk patents and copyrights in the digital age.
Yes, Rand Paul, Running for President Is a Drag. So Have Some Fun, Already!
5 ways that the libertarianish candidate can turn a depressing duty into a liberating opportunity
Is America the New Weimar Republic? Yeah, no.
Extremist politics, fashion choices galore: Life really is a cabaret, old chum. Or just more prosperous, fun, and free.
That Time the UN Almost Called for Decriminalizing Drug Use
Virgin CEO Richard Branson leaks document to Drug Policy Alliance.
A Common-Sense Solution to Combating Impending Damage from Climate Change
Which is one of the reasons it will be shot down by both liberals and conservatives.
When Everyone Can Read the News About the War Except the Warriors
Who's allowed to viewThe Intercept's drone exposé?
Hillary Knows Something Most Democrats Can't Admit
Debate performance illustrates that civil liberties and executive-power abuse matter mostly when Republicans run the White House
Just How Bad Would Joe Biden Be as President? Really F*cking Bad.
The vice-president is an unrepentant drug warrior and has promised "no changes" to old-age entitlements that screw the young.