Are Racist Remarks Illegal in Massachusetts?
A Red Sox fan's bigoted comment about a singer's rendition of the national anthem prompts a police investigation.
A Red Sox fan's bigoted comment about a singer's rendition of the national anthem prompts a police investigation.
Cops say the 19-year-old women violated a state law against harassment based on "race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or national origin."
There is no reason to think federal intervention was needed to achieve justice in this case.
Louisiana already illustrating potential for abuse.
An Israeli Jew is accused of making frightening phone calls that were attributed to a post-Trump rise in anti-Semitism.
The coverage of recent shootings of Indian Americans was muted compared to terrorist attacks
"Stop resisting!" becomes "Stop committing a hate crime against my profession!"
Hate crime is thought crime.
The reaction to the Facebook Live attack shows how recognizing special victims politicizes justice and foments discord.
Let's not come up with new reasons to continue punishing ex-cons after the fact.
The #BLMKidnapping is another frustrating example of assigning moral culpability to an entire group.
Be skeptical that Donald Trump's election has unleashed a wave of hate crimes, period.
A young woman has been charged for filing a false report about men trying to tear off her hijab on the train.
Bipartisan Senate bill would make "judging Israel by a double standard" a hate crime.
Hate crimes against persons decreased in 2015 over the previous year. Anti-black, Jewish, and gay-male sentiment was most common.
Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror.
Police unsurprisingly want to punish speech against them.
Man charged with felony enhancement for yelling slurs at police while being arrested.
If police are entitled to hate crime law protections as an identity group, who isn't?
Several arrests made for alleged online threats against police; Detroit detective demoted for anti-BLM Facebook post.
Matt Welch argues on MSNBC that hate crimes laws run up against problems with free speech, double jeopardy, and squabbles over who gets to be a protected class
Sorting through a lousy week in police-citizenry relations
One need only be suspected of an ineffective "feel-good law" to be deprived of rights.
Do they plan to kill the Charleston shooter twice?
Democratic governor expected to sign the widely-supported legislation.
Whether or not Kesha is telling the truth, there isn't enough evidence to get her out of her contract with Dr. Luke.
An instructive example out of Kenya (and a few from our own backyard).
Redundant charges against the Charleston shooter highlight the unconstitutional absurdity of the federal hate crime statute.
New charges against the Charleston shooter highlight the unconstitutional absurdity of the federal hate crime statute.
He's never getting out state prison, assuming he doesn't get executed.
A federal prosecution would condemn his racism as well as his violence-one reason it's a bad idea.
This is relevant to my issues because...
Well, this is terrifying.
Glenn Miller's long trail of bigotry and violence is not an argument for censoring speech—or for spying on people who have done nothing more than say ugly things.
Allegations of terrorizing him for three months
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