Eric Brakey: How Libertarians Can Attain Political Power
The director of The Free State Project and Maine legislator talks about the free state movement’s history, accomplishments, and future.
The director of The Free State Project and Maine legislator talks about the free state movement’s history, accomplishments, and future.
Freeman, an early adopter of the virtual currency, gets slammed by a state that can't tolerate any use of money without its permission and knowledge.
The Free State Project's Jeremy Kauffmann debates the L.P.'s Angela McArdle in a Soho Forum debate.
The cryptocurrency pioneer explains why governments can't stop bitcoin 'despite all their guns and weapons.'
Members are moving to New Hampshire and running for office in record numbers. Will they bring "liberty in our lifetime"?
We asked the attendees at PorcFest 2018.
Despite an agenda mostly aimed at less government spending and interference in people's lives, creeping libertarianism frightens some New Hampshire progressives.
Meet two women who are "workationing" their way around the world and spending less money than if they stayed home.
Former Free State Project chair Aaron Day is sure his over 17,000 votes as independent cost Kelly Ayotte her around 1,000 vote loss.
Victim Jarrod Ean-Dixon said by family to be "healing" despite "grave injuries." Shooting suspect Michael Sirois was arrested.
Q&A with Free State Project President Matt Philips.
Inside PorcFest, the country's largest libertarian and anarchist gathering
Former Free State Project head named president of even-more-out-there group!
Separatism, pluralism, tolerance, and liberty
The national security whistleblower talks to the Free State Project from an undisclosed location in Russia.
Whisteblower will be interviewed by Reason's Nick Gillespie.
These pioneering libertarians, soon to be 20,000 strong, have already changed Granite State laws.
The plan to relocate 20,000 libertarians to New Hampshire "triggers" its commitment, as 20,000 people have now pledged.
Over 18,000 people have pledged to move to New Hampshire and fight for smaller government. When the number hits 20,000, the big move occurs.
Portsmouth, NH, not amused by Free State Project participant's plan to get around their anti-Uber regulations.
Cops came to his door to nab the activist while he was out buying baby food for his child, due any minute.
"Church of the Sword," run by associates of the Free State Project, sues over the state's right to define religion.
With the Drug War winding down, they're finding new excuses to use their military-grade toys.
It's good that we have places like Texas and New Hampshire to which fed-up citizens can escape.
Her call to restrict freedoms to make the state less attractive boosted Free State recruitment
The fruits of the Free State Project
What happens when you bring together politicos, voluntaryists, and off-the-grid farmers for a week?
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