If Rand Paul's PATRIOT Act Activism Raises Him Money, Maybe Listen to What He's Saying?
Some senators, tellingly, see listening to Americans' surveillance concerns as a bad thing.
Some senators, tellingly, see listening to Americans' surveillance concerns as a bad thing.
Is the expiration of Patriot Act provisions"just politics and posturing"? No, it's a sign the country is moving in the right direction.
And now his watch is ended.
Section 215 is set to expire tonight. (Update: Wave goodbye to Section 215)
So long bulk collections under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which courts say are unauthorized and the FBI says are ineffective.
And in this corner... Obama the email reader
The presumptive Democratic nominee wants to do something about mandatory minimums but won't say what.
What crazy strategy will the candidate come up with next?
The anti-Rand bandwagon is getting crowded
Calling out Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton
National security conservatives go ballistic over Paul's Patriot Act obstruction
Future of Section 215 of PATRIOT Act completely up in the air.
Another sign of the end times or a renewal of constitutional governance?
What did she know and when did she know it? More important: WTF were we doing in Libya to begin with?
Compare and contrast.
The Kentucky senator tells conservatives to respect the Ninth Amendment.
They want amendments to make surveillance reforms stronger.
It's not every day that a GOP presidential candidate talks about the drug war's 'disparate racial impact' while trying to run the clock out on blanket surveillance
The Arkansas senator's commitment to a national security state and bellicose foreign policy seems like a fan fiction version of Dr. Strangelove.
Wants reforms, not reauthorization.
His reluctance to criticize his brother's war reflects a dangerous desire to forget the past.
Republicans think they can win a national election by exhuming the ghost of Zell Miller
South Carolina Republican the latest to pre-announce he's running for president.
Paul's is the only voice among those running for president who is faithful to the Constitution.
Libertarian magician looks at political propaganda so you don't have to
Fearmongering may not get security state members of Congress what they want.
Passport-burning sets yet another new record, thanks to terrible tax law that the GOP-led Congress should repeal
Baltimore riots do complicate the rhetoric of criminal justice reform.
Actor talks libertarianism at a Young Americans for Liberty conference
But Nevada being a caucus instead of a primary didn't really end up doing Ron Paul that much good.
The Republican presidential candidate notes the need to "undo some of the harm inflicted by the Clinton administration."
Legend can only "hope" Hillary will be as good.
The 'stache of freedom will interview Gary Johnson and talk with Reason's EIC about Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush
Yes, he avoids alienating conservatives. But has he violated his principles?
How his presidential campaign can help or hurt the cause of liberty
Instead of dwelling on how the candidate falls short on foreign policy, it's worth imagining what a President Paul might do
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