We Need to Talk About Black Students Being Accused of Rape Under Title IX
What to make of the fact that students of color are far more likely to be accused of sexual misconduct?
What to make of the fact that students of color are far more likely to be accused of sexual misconduct?
The Reedies Against Racism think a Greek philosophy and literature course is an attack on them.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Those who migrate from libertarianism to the alt-right have rejected the essence of the freedom movement and its philosophy.
Matt Welch talks Berkeley's quaking in front of Antifa, and Jacob Siegel explains who the original demonstrators the other week actually were
Libertarians should reject right-wing populism in all its forms.
The president's appalling equivocation on Charlottesville is strengthening private moral forces
Antiglobalism and anticosmopolitanism might flow purely from economic ignorance, but it is hard to believe that's all it is for many people.
Courtesy will get you farther than tiki torches.
"Law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an 'unlawful assembly' and clear the area."
Studies show students in schools of choice have more respect for the rights of people they don't like.
As Trump learned this week, pandering to white nationalists means alienating most other Americans.
Many of those who would recoil in horror at racist notions find similar notions strangely beguiling when they are dressed up in more genteel language.
Did the president really need a teachable moment to denounce neo-Nazis?
Reason editors talk white supremacy in Virginia, free speech, the controversial Google memo, and more.
That is not the law, and it shouldn't be.
After this weekend's white-supremacist rally in Virginia, more Southern cities announce plans to take down Confederate monuments.
Car rams pedestrians on city's downtown mall; many injured.
Taking them down and putting up different statues is a reminder that in understanding the past, we shape the future.
Podcast also argues over the Philando Castile verdict and Otto Warmbier's critics
Richard Rothstein's The Color of Law documents how federal housing policy forced blacks and whites apart.
Also listen to the Sirius XM POTUS version Sunday at 3 pm ET
Lawrence Ross vs. Kmele Foster in a public debate at the Soho Forum
Why government-funded agencies should display Confederate symbols only at historic sites or museums
"I have such a deeper appreciation for the punishment that black people received from their government for so long and the crass politics that perpetuated it."
Kmele Foster and Lawrence C. Ross, Jr. debate in New York on May 16.
When Nazi lawyers went looking for racial legislation to emulate, they turned to the United States.
Hate-crime hoaxes, Tony Blair's testicles, real estate racism, and more
Do its numbers tell a story?
Donald Trump is fearful of the world, and that's a big problem for America.
Talking about racism won't end these problems
A young woman has been charged for filing a false report about men trying to tear off her hijab on the train.
Backwards-looking attitudes about race, religion, and sex have been a hallmark of the Republican coalition for decades, and are hardly grounds for Hitler Youth comparisons.
Independent candidate says Republican Party 'can no longer be considered the home for conservatives,' despite all voting evidence to the contrary. Meanwhile, did his ballot exclusion tip Florida away from Hillary Clinton?
Three-headed podcast takes on New York bubble-politics, the objectionable Jeff Sessions, Kanye's breakdown, and more
Says the country and world are racist so people need to stop focusing on it.
Hate crimes against persons decreased in 2015 over the previous year. Anti-black, Jewish, and gay-male sentiment was most common.
Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror.
Kmele talks race politics from Eastern Island, while Moynihan and Welch try to figure out what William Weld wrought
Comedian Andrew Schulz joins to talk race, Gary Johnson, and other unmentionables
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