Redevelopment Authorities (and Their Eminent Domain Abuses) Resurrected in California
Better hope your city doesn't think your property would look better as a Bed, Bath & Beyond
Better hope your city doesn't think your property would look better as a Bed, Bath & Beyond
News outlets repeated the claim while Internet commenters were skeptical.
Increasing automation limits the ability of authorities to profit off human error.
Police gave a citation for panhandling to someone with Larry Martin's ID, but Martin says it wasn't him.
City official suggests pushing cost of city mismanagement on property owners.
"It will have the same rules that many churches observe" except adultery is OK.
"It will have the same rules that many churches observe" except adultery is OK.
Reductions in regulations benefit consumers.
Half-assed, selfish opposition to regulation is actually a good start.
Poorly thought-out rules against odors, emissions could devastate restaurants, food trucks.
Current and former politicians prefer cutting real estate deals to doing the less sexy work of basic civic governance
New report shows municipalities bolstering ailing budgets with seizures.
Minority representation by city leaders more closely matches citizenry.
When it pays to crack down on Mickey Mouse offenses
Cities throw tax money at big deals while small businesses get the shaft for stupid reasons.
A mayor's outrage over parody will likely cost city.
Congressman wants to make shaking down the citizens a federal crime.
Laws against panhandling are unconstitutional, yet officials keep trying.
Ban on new protections nothing like a religious freedom act.
Sledding bans are all the rage. Who knows if they actually work.
The president addresses a country that currently hates his political party by offering more big government.
Elinor Ostrom and the case against centralization
ACLU 'model ordinance' would at least require a public debate
At a major conference, city leaders embrace the growing dynamism of their communities but still resist giving up control.
The strangest local-government story you'll read today.
Withdraws from re-election race and also has a tumor