Some California Cities Are Making It Harder to Quit Smoking
Bans of flavored tobacco products end up leaving smokers with few options for kicking the habit, and do little to improve public health.
California Pension Bills Are Sensible Fixes, but They Have Little Chance of Passing
Given the pension funds' fiscal condition, it's hard to understand any serious opposition to these modest measures. But don't hold your breath.
Anti-Development Forces Kill Free-Market Housing Reform in California
SB 827 would have opened up swaths of California's cities to new construction. Now it's dead.
Thanks, Trump! Los Angeles Finally Legalizing Street Vendors to Protect Poor Immigrants From Crackdowns
A bill in the California senate could legalize street vending across the state.
California Wants to Tax Gun Sales to Pay Therapists to Watch for School Shooters
The therapists would be mandatory in middle and high schools.
California's War on 'Economic Crimes' Sounds Like Something From Soviet Russia
A state senator wants to crack down on "economic crimes" in the state's underground economy.
California Sheriff: Killing Suspects Costs County Less Than Maiming Them
Calculating comments come back to haunt Donny Youngblood as his re-election approaches.
Affordable Housing Proponents Critical of Permit Streamlining Law Use Permit Streamlining Law to Build Critical Affordable Housing
A flawed law has nonetheless improved San Francisco's absurd building approval process.
Americans Can't Stand Each Other, So Let's Stop Forcing Our Preferences on One Another
If you want to avoid conflict among hostile groups, decentralize power-preferably to individuals.
Car-Sharing Bill Typifies California's 'Crony Capitalist' Approach to Innovation
Rental-car companies are facing the same challenges as other established businesses in the internet age. One state lawmaker wants to protect them from change.
No, Starbucks Coffee Won't Give You Cancer
But California regulations will let people sue your coffee roasting business into oblivion.
California Lawmakers Aim to Crack Down on Police Shootings, Open Police Conduct Records
Law enforcement is already resisting.
California's Housing Reform Bill Is a Hot Mess. It Would Be Great If It Passed.
SB 827 is a progressive-backed mix of climate change goals and tenant protections. It is also a major free market reform.
Sacramento Sheriff's Dept. SUV Knocks Down Police Abuse Protester, Then Drives Off
This is not how you rebuild those community ties.
California's Legal Weed Is So Heavily Taxed and Regulated That the Black Market Might Survive
"The situation in the market is pretty dire," one major cannabis seller told us.
Will Stephon Clark's Killing by Police Finally Force Open California Misconduct Investigations?
Lawmakers have tried to counter the powerful law enforcement lobby and failed.
California Bill Offers Phony Solution to Fake News Problem
Proposal to verify online "bots" is security theater that will make it harder for small online firms to compete with the likes of Facebook.
Awaiting Court Ruling, California Unions Appear Surprisingly Impotent
California unions and their allied politicians need to learn to respect the rights of California's government workers.
Jeff Sessions' Immigration Lies
An ICE spokesman resigning because he "didn't feel like fabricating the truth" should be a wake-up call about the White House's factually untethered approach to immigration policy.
Jeff Sessions's Flawed Lawsuit Against 'Sanctuary State' California
Immigration, federalism, and the 10th Amendment
Sanctuary Showdown: The Feds Sue California
The Justice Department wants to block three laws that it says hamper immigration enforcement.
Home Pot Delivery Is Cool, but California's Taxes and Regulations Are Still Onerous
The current regime makes it hard for licensed cannabusinesses to compete with the black market.
6 Points to Consider in the Debate About Homelessness
Policymakers need to focus more on harsh realities if they want real solutions.
Emergency Hearing to Address Fate of Pregnant Prisoners in California
"Time is truly of the essence here," said a lawyer for women imprisoned at Santa Rita Jail.
California Wants to Fine You $500 for Washing Your Car With a Garden Hose
Proposed water restrictions will do little to solve the state's water woes.
9 Women Describe Horrific Treatment at the Hands of Their Jailers
In California's Santa Rita Jail, pregnant inmates were pressured to have abortions, forced to go without food, and made to live in unsanitary conditions, a new lawsuit alleges.
Lawmakers Should Avoid Rush to Ramp Up Gun Confiscations
California's gun registration program is a mess.
City Demands $6,000 from Woman over Illegal Chickens
A municipal scheme with a private prosecution firm leads to outrageous fines in the California desert.
California Food Nannies Shutter Startup for Home Cooks
Josephine, in the Bay Area, linked aspiring food entrepreneurs with hungry neighbors.
Stockton's 'Basic Income' Plan Diverts City From Its Real Duties
The city wants to spend a grant it got giving residents $500 a month for two years.
California Politicians Want to Create a Government-Owned Marijuana Bank
Federal pot prohibition breeds state socialism.
Politicians, Media Freak Out Over Elon Musk's Flamethrowers
Just because something looks like a gun doesn't mean it needs to be regulated like one.
California Budget in Decent Shape, but Jerry Brown Missed Vast Opportunities
The governor often talks about fiscal frugality, responsibility and reform, but there isn't much follow-up action.
Proposed California Car Ban a Perfect Mix of Hubris and Silliness
Seeks to ban registration of vehicles that aren't zero emissions, in 2040.
This California City Is Threatening a Family Over Property Fines Sent to a Dead Woman at the Wrong Address
An already awful practice of trying to use code violations as a revenue stream gets truly grotesque.
A New Year Means a New California Secession Movement
A rural inland group wants to split from the coastal communities and from Sacramento.
California's Boondoggle Bullet Train About to Break the Bank
The money pit is turning into a black hole, as critics predicted.
Good Samaritans in Southern California Cited for Feeding the Homeless
El Cajon is just the latest city to abuse "public safety" fears to control how people help each other.
Kamala Harris: No Friend to Criminal Justice Reform
She didn't push for reform when she had the opportunity as district attorney and as attorney general.
Tiny California City's Firefighting Reform Could Be Model for Others
Dealing with the pension crisis.