Politics The Difference Between Retaliation and Nation Building: About 10 Years Jacob Sullum | 7.6.2011 10:41 AM
Policy SecDef Gates: Old Europe's Lack of Participation in America's Global Policework Is "Unacceptable" Matt Welch | 6.10.2011 10:32 AM
Politics Restaurant Executive Herman Cain Stands by His Non-Answer On Afghanistan Mike Riggs | 5.16.2011 12:44 PM
Politics "Osama bin Laden was already made an old fool by the Arab Spring" Nick Gillespie | 5.6.2011 12:44 PM
Policy Gene Healy on Afghanistan: "We should declare victory, and come home." Damon Root | 5.3.2011 11:50 AM
Politics Ron Paul on Fiscal Conservatives: They Can Take on NPR, But Drop the Ball on Afghanistan Brian Doherty | 3.18.2011 4:20 PM
Politics Got to Be Free Did Bush's foreign policy set the stage for Middle Eastern democracy? Jacob Sullum | 2.16.2011 7:00 AM
Politics No Military Immunity America's bloated defense budget is ripe for cutting. Jacob Sullum | 2.2.2011 7:00 AM
Civil Liberties The U.S.: Promoting Democratic Values Around the Globe Brian Doherty | 1.27.2011 2:00 PM
Politics Is Wikileaks a Force For Good? Four Experts on Our Wiki-Future Reason Staff | 12.13.2010 12:00 AM
Politics Former (First) Bush Administration Defense Official on Latest Wikileaks Brian Doherty | 10.28.2010 1:04 PM
Politics Woodward Book Shows Obama Never Knew Why We Were in Afghanistan Brian Doherty | 10.5.2010 2:06 PM
Politics The Pat Tillman Story A sobering new documentary raises more questions than it answers. Greg Beato | 9.16.2010 4:30 PM
Politics It's Still the War, Stupid! How congressional Democrats can save their seats Terry Michael | 9.14.2010 10:30 AM
Politics How to Fight for the Taliban Without Getting Detained As an Enemy Combatant Jacob Sullum | 9.2.2010 5:24 PM
Politics War Is Over (If Obama Wants It) or, Mission Accomplished Redux Nick Gillespie | 9.1.2010 8:02 AM
Politics The Afghanistan Government is Brought to You in Part by the CIA Brian Doherty | 8.27.2010 1:01 PM
Politics General Delay-Us Will the Afghan mission be over by 2012? Depends on the mission. Brian Doherty | 8.19.2010 5:00 PM
Politics In July 2011, The U.S. Drawdown in Afghanistan Will Begin. Or Not. Nick Gillespie | 8.15.2010 8:57 PM
Policy The Unaffordability of Endless War Transforming distant nations is a costly luxury. Steve Chapman | 8.5.2010 7:00 AM
Politics What Will Happen if We Leave Afghanistan? Apparently the Exact Same Thing That Happened Last Year. Matt Welch | 8.4.2010 3:19 PM
Politics Reason Morning Links: Photoshop, FOIAs, and the Rivers of Babylon Jesse Walker | 7.23.2010 8:22 AM
Politics Stuck in Afghanistan What happened to Obama's Afghan strategy? Steve Chapman | 7.12.2010 7:00 AM
World Losing the War in Afghanistan? Blame Rolling Stone, Suggests Geraldo Rivera Robby Soave | 6.25.2010 6:03 PM