Alabama Secretary of State Wants Willful Violators of New Voting Law Jailed for 5 Years
Better to punish officials who couldn't implement the new law in a timely fashion.
Better to punish officials who couldn't implement the new law in a timely fashion.
Activists fear secret surveillance. Push for firmly enforced rules instead of bans.
Christina Alonso spent 48 hours in the United States, all of them in an Oregon jail.
After the media revealed the threatening, fraudulent notices, a lawsuit has targeted the practice.
The case has already produced some fun SCOTUS banter. It could have major consequences for due process and police accountability.
Today in the news: up is down, left is right, cats are dogs
Homeland Security officials seize and snoop into thousands of phones and laptops without any evidence of criminal activity.
Trump's rescinding of DACA has produced widespread condemnation and a demand that Congress act to reform immigration.
Maybe reparations from the federal government are in order.
The John Brown Gun Club uses the Second Amendment to underline their First Amendment rights.
An ACLU critic argues that the group must forsake freedom of speech in order to save it.
"Law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an 'unlawful assembly' and clear the area."
The ACLU is right: Do you really want Donald Trump deciding who gets free speech?
A dumb government rule to protect subway riders from controversial ads gets predictable results.
A civil rights lawsuit says a state judge and a private company are effectively holding defendants for ransom.
For generations, poor, black residents of Canton, Mississippi have lived under siege from a heavy-handed sheriff's department.
Legislation tries to end lack of money as an excuse for keeping non-dangerous people in cells until trial.
Black residents in Mississippi's richest county are "under siege" from unconstitutional checkpoints and warrantless searches, an ACLU lawsuit says.
Refusing any voluntary hysterectomies presented as discrimination.
Supreme Court turns away transparency lawsuit trying to force release of Senate report.
The state's ACLU is duly peeved.
A new ACLU lawsuit against Missouri is just the latest to expose how poor defendants across the country are effectively denied their right to an attorney.
Striking findings from Pew Research
Due process protections preserved for those getting Social Security benefits.
A class-action federal civil rights lawsuit argues the Milwaukee Police Department's suspicionless stop-and-frisk practices are unconstitutional.
The government doesn't want you to know how much it uses the mass surveillance devices.
Executive action targeted travelers from seven Muslim-dominated countries.
One of the most vocal civil libertarians of the past century has died.
The NSEERS program screened more than 93,000 immigrants over nine years but failed to catch a single potential terrorist.
If Trump makes good on his many threats to curtail liberty, there will be resistance.
Group says Santa Fe tosses misdemeanor violators in jail if they can't pay-and starves them, too.
Hold law enforcement responsible for snooping, not the tech platforms.
A new report by Human Rights Watch and ACLU calls for the full decriminalization of drugs, citing the drug war's "staggering human rights toll."
State practice of requiring signature-gatherers to be residents of Connecticut overturned by U.S. District Court judge
Suicide attempt in July may lead to more punishment, solitary confinement.
The president met with police leaders after five officers were killed in Dallas.
On immigration, surveillance, torture, and press freedom, Trump's ideas are not just bad-they're unconstitutional.
Lawsuit alleges "excessive force, physical and verbal abuse, and wrongful arrests."
Court rules city of Providence has to pay saxophonist Manuel Pombo's ACLU lawyers.
Ending federal prosecution over violations of vague 'terms of service' rules may come at a cost.
Rules related to the upcoming Republican National Convention "have an absurdly wide reach and cannot be justified in any rational way," states their lawsuit.
Copy of Senate report 'mistakenly' gets destroyed as government successfully resists release.
Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
It's the latest story of abuse at the nation's largest sheriff's department.
The chief result of the stings-which involved Homeland Security and the FBI-was the arrest of 14 sex workers and 14 men seeking sex from undercover cops.
Mens rea could derail criminal justice reform.
Former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca plead guilty for his roll in corruption scandal.
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