Was Trump's Victory a Win For School Choice?
Ed reformer Lisa Graham Keegan says yes.
Lack of ideological diversity left campuses unprepared to cope with reality.
Protests about personality not policy are bound to be counterproductive.
Trade wars and debt increases loom on the horizon.
Major fight between special interests ends with narrow win for "No" campaign in Prop 61. It was the most expensive ballot initiative campaign in the country.
More than a million didn't bother, given the 'choice' of two Democrats.
Sarwark sat down with Reason's Matt Welch to discuss the post-election fallout and the future of the LP.
Happy trails to America's worst sheriff.
Only if you ignore how many more "likely" Democratic voters went for Trump or didn't vote at all.
While many will call this a mandate for Donald Trump, it's better read as an anti-mandate for Hillary Clinton.
Trump's win has already impacted SCOTUS.
Clinton gives her concession speech, and the Democrats face a reckoning.
Which states gave Gary Johnson his best results? Jill Stein? Evan McMullin? And who did those candidates help more, Trump or Clinton?
Initiative introducing 'ranked-choice' voting passes.
Reason TV traveled to Albuquerque to get Johnson supporters' take on this election and their role in it, and to find out what's next for the Libertarian Party after an historic showing in the popular vote.
Proposition 60 was defeated 54 to 46 percent. Here's how the porn industry is reacting.
Gun control initiatives pass in Washington and California, still too close to call in Maine and Nevada.
What every liberal who didn't see this coming needs to understand
Yesterday voters made marijuana legal in four more states and approved medical access in four others.
It is the second state on the East Coast to do so, joining Massachusetts.
People who don't understand how anyone could vote for Donald Trump are part of the reason Trump won.
Voters approved medical marijuana by a razor-thin margin in 2010.
"I think in 8 to 12 years the Libertarian Party could become the number-one party in the United States," the L.P. VP nominee says, "and I intend to participate in that."
Texas Looks Like L.P. Ballot Access Was Won In Railroad Commission Race
Billion-dollar taxpayer handout to a billionaire's construction project overwhelmingly wins voter approval.
Six states have now decided to tolerate cannabis consumption without a doctor's note.
Passage of Question 4 creates a pot-tolerant foothold in the Northeast.
Democrats: Not pro-choice.
Twenty-eight states now have laws allowing patients to use cannabis for symptom relief.
The survey research industry is in crisis. Here are some of the reasons why.
A measure letting patients use cannabis for symptom relief passes by a surprisingly wide margin.
I voted my conscience for a candidate who is for free trade, immigration, and sane drug policy. And who is anti-war. Might've voted for yours if they were too.
Non-interventionism needs a voice in 2017 and beyond.
Support for Amendment 2 far exceeds 60 percent, the threshold for approval.
It hurts to admit that Trump isn't alien to conservative culture - he's its near-perfect expression.
Condoms-in-porn measure pits adult-film industry and public-health groups against public hysteria and a would-be porn czar
...good or ill humanity-welcoming the darker odds, the dross: - Foams and ferments the wine? it serves to purify...
Trump is definitely a bully, but are things really that bad in American schools?
Donald's son appears to break silly New York "ballot selfie" law, which carries a potential fine of $1,000 and up to one year in prison.
Let's warm ourselves by the embers of the 2016 election.
Today in votes that are actually about future votes
Fear of a Trump presidency has put a number of libertarian-ish thinkers "with her."
Whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump wins the election, massive challenges face the next president of the United States.
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