Offenders in California Get Saddled with Thousands of Dollars in Court Fees. This Bill Would Stop That.
A study shows that when these fees hit low-income offenders, they wreck their lives—and also don't even get paid.
A study shows that when these fees hit low-income offenders, they wreck their lives—and also don't even get paid.
All the welfare programs California Democrats can dream up won't do as much as some commonsense reforms to let people who want to work, work.
Progressive populists have decided making a lot of money is prima facie evidence of criminality and that inequality is the cardinal sin of our age. Nope.
An anti-market ideologue tortures the data at The Guardian.
Data from North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona show how school choice programs take care of students who would otherwise be neglected.
Michael Shermer, Ron Bailey, and Jim Epstein talk poverty-eradication, genomics, and blockchain at Reason's 50th anniversary celebration
Taxpayers shell out big time to keep poor folks who haven't even been convicted of crimes behind bars.
Capitalism not only helps reduce poverty, but can bring services to more diverse groups of people.
The state can no longer suspend poor people's driver's licenses over unpaid traffic tickets, Judge Aleta Trauger ruled.
Watch two leading development economists debate at the Soho Forum.
In many cases the sentence for missing a payment is harsher than the original conviction.
If you read Reason you already know these three pieces of good news about global trends.
The practice traps the poor in a spiral of debt, hobbling their ability to pay off their fines.
Scaling back debtor's prisons in a state with one of the country's highest incarceration rates
Poor people are likely to make better food choices for themselves than the government.
Welcome to the latest gussied up version of Malthusian eco-pessimism!
That's one out of every six licensed drivers in the state.
Centuries of mistreatment by the U.S. is a primary cause of Haiti's plight.
A judge says Michigan's license suspension scheme is probably unconstitutional. But the state government wants to keep it.
Accountability starts at home.
But is Jeff Bezos the new John D. Rockefeller?
Nearly half of young working-class whites do not identify with any religious affiliation.
An Ivy League professor went to work in the industry to figure out why so many Americans choose to remain "unbanked."
In contrast, the mortality rate for college-educated whites continues to fall.
HUD program a significant source of corruption and cronyism, and much less about helping the poor
Oppressive municipal codes expose immigrants to potential deportation methods.
For people, unlike rats, the human 'behavioral sink' seems to be greater creativity, not pathological collapse.
Ronald Bailey traveled back to his familial home to find out what went wrong in Appalachia.
An Indian city's embrace of globalism, trade, and hypergrowth is a living response to the protectionist impulse sweeping America.
A Reason writer returns to his family's home to investigate
Effort to stop using money to determine who can go free.
Forcing poor people to forego economic development in order to prevent climate change is 'morally dubious'
Ending energy poverty should be prioritized over efforts to prevent climate change
The last forty years have seen a massive and historically unprecedented decline in global poverty.
County sued for not caring whether defendants can pay high bails.
Group says Santa Fe tosses misdemeanor violators in jail if they can't pay-and starves them, too.
Florida Man arrested, sent to jail over a container attached to his bicycle.
A family chronicle of the crackup of poor working-class white Americans.
Forward comrades to the unemployment lines and soup kitchens!
The Ministry of Urban Agriculture promotes home and community gardening in hunger-wrecked Venezuelan cities.
The future economy is going to be self-managed, says former SEIU leader Andy Stern. Get out of its way-but give us a universal basic income.
Let's not ignore the ordinances and harassment of the poor that led to this.
The arrests are also part of plan to force shut affordable motels to make way for high-density apartment buildings.
You can lead people to Whole Foods, but you can't make them buy organic kale.
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