Feds Sue Another Landlord for Discriminating Against an Emotional Support Animal
Federal housing officials allege a New Hampshire landlord violated the Fair Housing Act for refusing to show a unit to two women with emotional support dogs.
A Missouri Police Officer Shot a Blind and Deaf Dog. Now He's Being Sued.
The town of Sturgeon initially defended the officer, saying he was afraid of being bitten by the 13-pound blind and deaf Shih Tzu.
Oscar-Nominated Robot Dreams Is a Gentle Animated Love Story About Dogs, Robots, and 1980s New York
A charming story of love, friendship, and impersonal urban bureaucracy.
California Bill Banning Landlords' No-Dog Policies Is Anti-Choice and Anti-Urban
The market has created a lot of dog-free housing for a reason. A bill from Assemblymember Matt Haney would destroy it.
Why Are California's Animal Shelters Killing So Many Pets?
Blame lingering pandemic-era restrictions that make it harder for people to find a dog or cat they'd like to adopt.
Maryland Roommates File Lawsuit After Police Shot Their Dog During Alleged Illegal Home Search
Officers barged into their house without a warrant, shot their dog, and mocked them, a federal civil rights lawsuit says.
Kansas Cops Have 'Waged War on Motorists' by Subjecting Them to Pretextual Traffic Stops, a Federal Judge Says
The ruling draws back the veil on routine police practices that victimize innocent drivers.
Salt Lake City Suspended Use of Police K9s and Nothing Bad Happened, Study Shows
Retire the paw patrol.
A Home-Based Baker Shouldn't Have To Choose Between Her Dog and Her Business
Each state has different cottage food laws that don’t actually protect public health and safety.
Debate: Cats Are More Libertarian Than Dogs
Do felines contribute more to human liberty?
Idaho Supreme Court Rules Fourth Amendment Violated When Drug-Sniffing Dog "Intermeddled" With Defendant's Car
Nero the police dog put his paws on the side of the car, which qualifies as a trespass, and thereby also a "search" under the Fourth Amendment.
California's K9 Reform Bill Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Police dogs seriously injured 186 people within the last two years—more than batons or tasers did, according to the ACLU.
Bad New Idea From Florida: Ban Dogs From Sticking Their Heads Out of Car Windows
It’s ruff going for the state’s canines.
Alabama Dodges Police Transparency, Hiding Violent Body Camera Footage from Public
Montgomery doesn’t want people to see a police dog maul a man to death out of fear of the response.
There's No Constitutional Right To Own a Pit Bull, Federal Court Says
Plus: A flawed study on marijuana risks, the collapsing publishing-house merger, and more...
Detroit Police Shot a Woman's Dog and Allegedly Dumped It in Garbage Can
Tiffany Lindsay wants answers and an apology after her neighbors discovered her dead dog, shot the night before by Detroit police, in their garbage can.
Police Officer Kills Dog for Walking Toward Him With Tail Wagging
Bradley Brock says his dog Moose was walking toward a police officer wagging its tail when the officer gunned his pet down.
Prisoners Sue Virginia Department of Corrections Over Canine Attacks
If police dogs assault innocent people at their handlers’ direction, it’s usually treated as the victim’s fault.
Unlicensed Dog Grooming Alarms Local News Reporter
Do we really need the state to step in over an unfortunate tragedy?
The Police Dog Who Cried Drugs at Every Traffic Stop
Cops laugh about “probable cause on four legs” but the damage to innocent lives is real.
Arkansas Cop Shoots Family Dog After Going to Wrong Address
A deputy from the same sheriff's office was charged with animal cruelty last year for casually shooting a small dog.
Utah Legislator: If You Don't Want to Be Attacked by Police Dogs, 'Stay Home'
The state legislature is considering reforms in response to the use of dogs against cooperative suspects.
The FBI Hopes These Cute Puppies Will Distract You From Unconstitutional Civil Asset Forfeitures
Surrender the Fifth Amendment or the dog dies.
I Gave My Dog CBD Oil To Calm Him Down and Help His Separation Anxiety
Spoiler alert: He's still a rowdy boy.
North Carolina Woman Won't Be Punished for Sheltering Pets During Florence
But she never should have faced criminal charges in the first place.
Criminal Charges for North Carolina Woman Who Sheltered Pets During Hurricane Florence
Tammie Hedges is facing upward of a dozen charges related to the medical care she freely provided to the animals.