Federal Judge Rejects Attempt to Extend Discrimination Protection to Transgender Student
It's a case about public school bathrooms.
It's a case about public school bathrooms.
We're both winning and losing the drug war, so don't change anything!
When mercy gets in the way of ambition.
He's never getting out state prison, assuming he doesn't get executed.
An industry that has struggled in the past may have good reasons for its decisions.
Don't forget the Obama administration's record of going after whistleblowers.
But are these fundamentalist-LDS towns the perpetrators or the victims of religious discrimination?
Is this how the war on weed ends?
Sniper rifles aimed at protesters kind of a problem.
(Spoiler: Chances are they're probably awful.)
Agents turn to local judges and prosecutors to get permission more quickly.
Expect an outcome focused on processes and procedures, not consequences.
Wrists are barely even slapped.
Law enforcement leaders seem concerned that due process helps defendants. That's the point.
New rules in Los Angeles give officers opportunity to review evidence in advance.
Law named after Aaron Swartz introduced again.
'I think presidents have the right to pick their team'
Department of Homeland Security
You are now free to discover whether you are actually free to fly the friendly skies.
The DEA was collecting mass numbers of Americans' foreign calls prior to Sept. 11.
Absent other criminal charges, they won't go after those suspected of 'structured' deposits.
Holder argues Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies.
Federal and state governments are extracting and pocketing huge payments from big businesses, perverting justice along the way.
You know who else has a judicial system that is hard to fight and extracts money from citizens?
Says 'Mrs. Lynch has a track-record of violating the individual freedoms granted to us by our Constitution.'
Even a federal judge is asking why they keep fighting.
Long Island business had nearly half a million seized for more than two years without any court filing.
Eric Holder's new forfeiture policy affects only a small share of seizures.
For two and a half years, Loretta Lynch's office kept cash but never pressed any charges.
Harsher penalties and more government involvement won't help protect privacy.
System was rife with abuse, encouraging law enforcement agencies to take people's property without charging them with crimes.
The Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act would help take the profit motive out of law enforcement
Another anti-sex trafficking bill from Sen. Dianne Feinstein that uses inflated fears about the issue to push unconstitutional expansions of federal law enforcement power
It is time for a national debate, and the confirmation hearings on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to become attorney general can provide an excellent platform.
No doubt it's just a coincidence
Department rocked with all sorts of misconduct scandals and lots of shootings.
A northern California legal case involving state and federal efforts to secure a massive financial settlement from the state's largest land owner is rife with allegations of fraud, corruption, and official misconduct
Washington's overlords protect their own.
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