China Points to Donald Trump as an Example of Democracy
But he'd be a better fit for an autocracy
But he'd be a better fit for an autocracy
Dealing with the consequences of China's interventionist foreign policy.
Atheist government seeks religious control.
China's Communist authorities have put out a laundry list of material they don't want to see on TV, from homosexuality to unpatriotic sound effects.
A look back at America's first major exclusionary immigration law
What the FBI's war on the Maoist fringe tells us about the surveillance state
Paris Climate Change Conference
Sixth Dispatch: The claim that pledges from 180 countries cover 95 percent of emissions is seriously misleading.
The endgame in the quest for a universal climate treaty
Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea. But will her story survive scrutiny?
Increase equal to about 70 percent of total U.S. annual coal consumption
Policy being reversed after causing decades of harm.
Reproductive central planning works as badly as economic central planning
Everything is not awesome when it comes to subversive reappropriation of colored plastic bricks to protest authoritarianism.
ACLU alarmed at idea that every bit of public info might feed into these high-tech "credit scores" that will define Chinese citizens' lives.
We are living in interesting times.*
Were confused why taking a more confrontational stance led to China doing the same.
Did they run out of overpriced, unnecessary projects in their own country?
Reminding pundits Tom Friedman, Robert Reich and others of what they said.
Markets are finally taking note of the fact that the GOP candidate atop the polls is someone whose policies are the opposite of the pro-growth approach.
Then again, he does work for a state-run TV channel.
The celebrated Chinese artist was denied a business visa by the British government.
"What the voters want is snake oil. They want something that makes them feels good"
Filmed at a Uniqlo in China, authorities also looking into the store's involvement
Laogai prison survivor Harry Wu on human rights abuses in China.
China Overpays: Still In Thrall to Failed Ideology of Central Planning, Argues Ronald Bailey
Peter Schiff on the Chinese market crash and the future of Chinese economic policy.
Shanghai Composite down nearly 30 percent from a June high.
"Racing" for resources is economically misconceived.
Encrypt everything - inhibits data breaches and government domestic spying.
Epic government fail, yet no one is responsible.
Presidential candidates and sitting Congressmen are featured in a film which commands Christian soldiers to fight.
Including Luaty Beirao, a rapper who's emerged as a leader of the youth opposition movement.
But cryptographic tech, like that the government wants to weaken, helps mitigate the risk to users.
By hacking the NSA computers. So says security analyst Bruce Schneier.
The Umbrella Movement is focused on its own struggle, not mainland China's.
"They wouldn't do that in China"
When a whole library fits on a thumb drive, the job of a censor just sucks
China's foreign minister says he hopes the U.S. and Venezuela can deal with their issues with mutual respect and non-interference.
Decoding a Vietnamese urban legend
Twenty sites across Southern California were raided, with operators arrested on charges of fraud. The women were taken to hospitals.
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