Anti-Crime Checkpoints in Jackson, Mississippi, Blatantly Violate the Fourth Amendment
To "get wanted individuals off the streets," police are stopping drivers without any evidence that they have broken the law.
To "get wanted individuals off the streets," police are stopping drivers without any evidence that they have broken the law.
In the new book Free Speech, the Danish activist defends radical self-expression from Socrates to social media.
You don't have to be anti-vaccine to oppose these ever-expanding requirements.
The organization's embrace of a wide-ranging progressive agenda undermines its reason for existing.
The American Civil Liberties Union should not cavalierly take the side of prosecutors against the concept of self-defense.
Coercive plea deals trample on defendants' Sixth Amendment rights.
Do Americans have a right to know the extent that the government surveils them?
The dog died after the man went to jail for exercising his First Amendment rights.
A Supreme Court ruling requires due process before sending these people back to jail. That’s not happening in Montgomery County.
The civil liberties group says there's a clear pattern of police misconduct involving schoolchildren.
"It was a mistake among the digital team," says executive director Anthony Romero.
"Restrictions on guns in public spaces are appropriate to make public spaces safe for democratic participation."
People doubt the government's role as a protector but send mixed messages about their value of freedom.
Pro-freedom politicians want to restrict private enterprise, while civil liberties proponents want to violate your bodily autonomy.
Plus: Wiretapping social media, Democrats' budget proposal, cryptocurrency regulations, the infrastructure bill, and more..
Plus: Enough about FOSTA's "unintended" consequences, another blow to the FTC's Facebook case, and more...
Expanding government-imposed burdens to new classes of people is a bad idea, unless the goal is equality of immiseration.
Culture war bills signed into law in Arkansas, West Virginia, and Tennessee run afoul of Constitution, federal law.
The refusal leaves in place a federal court decision favoring trans students' right to insist on accommodation.
The study comes as House Democrats press to completely abolish the Pentagon program.
Ledell Lee was put to death in 2017 for a killing he likely didn't commit.
The feds say they can paw through your phone and laptop any time you enter or leave the country.
Plus: Copyright case a win for Google and fair use, California considering repeal of its "loitering with intent to commit prostitution" law, and more...
Mory Keita was involved in two cases against the government, including an ACLU suit challenging ICE and a case alleging abuse by Butler County Jail guards.
Former Executive Director Ira Glasser discusses the past, present, and increasingly shaky future of free speech.
The department will update its training to remind officers that citizens should not be arrested for exercising their First Amendment rights.
Total prison population, imprisonment rates, and racial disparities in incarceration all continued their slide.
Plus: What Jeffrey Toobin teaches us about Section 230, Wisconsin's Foxconn boondoggle, Breonna Taylor juror speaks out, and more...
Ira Glasser, former head of the ACLU, is worried that his former group is embracing identity politics over free speech.
The subject of the new film Mighty Ira explains why social justice warriors are wrong to attack free speech.
The odds of getting arrested for consuming cannabis are getting smaller.
What's next for SCOTUS?
The ruling is a major setback for civil liberties groups trying to re-enfranchise an estimated 775,000 Floridians with felony records.
Plus: Raleigh cop uses fake evidence in drug cases, caution on CDC study linking restaurants to COVID-19 cases, and more...
There were four times as many incidents of physical restraint against students the year after Florida doubled the number of police in its schools.
The new law features harsher penalties, 12-hour detentions, and other invitations to abuse government power
U.S. District Judge Michael Simon reminds the feds that they are bound by the First Amendment.
Trump and other White House officials say the feds may soon be coming to other major cities as well.
The ACLU of Oregon says it's the first of many lawsuits regarding the Trump administration's deployment of federal law enforcement to Portland.
Apple and Google’s API promises to put privacy first. State health authorities have other ideas.
Both companies need to join IBM and others in entirely abandoning the development of this mass surveillance technology.
Is the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone a brave experiment in self-government or just flash-in-the-pan activism?
The bill includes many items on police reformers' wishlists, but it would also pump more federal money to police departments instead of shrinking their budgets.
A federal judge ordered officials at Elkton to stop "thumbing their nose" at their own authority to release inmates at risk of coronavirus.
The Delano Police Department cleared its officers of wrongdoing.
Plus: The House of Representatives goes virtual, Americans start moving around again, and more...
Plus: "Netflix for 3-D guns," viral authoritarianism, COVID-19 behind bars, and more…
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