New York Lawmakers Back Unwarranted Phone Searches of Drivers
On the pretext of texting safety, they want to give cops free rein to suspend licenses and fine drivers without charges or conviction.
We Could Have Had Cellphones Four Decades Earlier
Thanks for nothing, Federal Communications Commission.
Florida Man Jailed 180 Days for Not Giving Police His iPhone Password
He gave them a password, but police say it doesn't work.
You Don't Have to Be a Foreigner to Have Privacy Violated by Trump's 'Extreme Vetting'
Have a friend visiting from another country? DHS wants to know your connections.
An App to Track Drone Strikes Lasted Less Than a Day Before Apple Yanked It
Data journalist details five-year fight to make information more available.
CIA Leak Shows How We're Losing Both Privacy and Security with Tech Data
Agency hoards infiltration tools and puts our information at risk of exposure.
What Do You Call a Tool to Help Uber Avoid Gov't Stings? A Good Start.
Company used a secret method of getting around regulators trying to shut them down. If only the rest of us were so lucky.
The Double-Edged Sword of Encrypted White House Chatter: Leaks Vs. Secrecy
When transparency and government corruption can come from the same mechanism.
Facebook Has No First Amendment Right to Send Unauthorized Texts, Says Court
The company argued that it had a free-speech right to text users unauthorized birthday reminders.
Forcing Apple to Shut Down Drivers' Phones Is a Terrible Idea
Jerks who want to FaceTime while they drive will always find a way, alas.
Why New Cellphone Restrictions Won't Have a Noticeable Impact on Crashes
Cellphones figure in something like 1 percent of traffic fatalities, and holding them is not the main distraction.
Calif. to Treat Smart Phones in Cars as Just Slightly Less Dangerous than Loaded Guns
Don't drive and … touch … anything?
Alexa. Please Don't Answer Police Questions Without a Warrant
Amazon refusing to turn over Echo digital assistant voice recordings in murder investigation.
An Epidemic of Bad Epidemiology
Getting Risk Right is a potent antidote to the toxic misinformation peddled by activist scaremongers
Justin Timberlake Ballot Selfie Leads to Silly Hand-Wringing Over Laws
States threaten criminal action, but federal judges have dim view of bans.
DOJ Uses Vague Court Request to Try to Demand People Unlock Any Fingerprint-Locked Phones
Amid debate over encryption access, feds try to just sneak right through.
Appeals Court: No Warrant Needed to Get Cellphone Location Data
Ruling overturns panel decision in favor of privacy rights.
The Government's Attitude on Data Security: There's Too Much and Also Not Enough
'Let us in, but do a better job at keeping others out!'
If You Want to Keep Your Phone Contents Secret, Perhaps Don't Use a Fingerprint Lock
Unlike passcodes, judges seem willing to force cooperation with authorities for access.
Memphis Police Officer Tackles and Arrests Man For Video-Recording Him
Memphis PD's policy clearly states citizens have First Amendment right to record police.
60 Minutes Shows Nature of Smartphone Vulnerabilities Some Senators Want to Preserve
Here's what it looks like when your cybersecurity is not protected.
Maryland Court to Baltimore Police: Want to Track Phones? Get a Warrant.
Ruling establishes that people have expectation of physical location privacy.
The FBI Might Not Need Apple's Decryption Help
The FBI says a mysterious "outside party" has found a way to unlock San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook's iPhone without assistance from Apple.
U.S. Marshals Spent Millions on Mass Cellphone Tracking Devices
Also contend some of their work is 'classified'
Here's How Apple Plans to Beat the FBI
Among other things, Apple alleges that the FBI violates its First Amendment rights by compelling company engineers to write code.
What's Clear in the Encryption Debate Is That Some Politicians Don't Want to Listen
Officials don't seem to care if you're more vulnerable to criminals if it helps their pet causes.
Cops Use Undercover 'Repent' Signholder to Catch Drivers Using Their Cellphones
Say it's not entrapment if someone takes a picture.
DOJ Announces 'New Policy' of Acknowledging Fourth Amendment
Will require agents get warrants for devices that track mobile phone locations.
Federal Court Puts Limits on Cellphone Tracking
Privacy advocates gain key victories in high-profile battle
Adults Who Sext Have Better Relationships, Says Study
But can adults be prosecuted for consensual sexting? Maybe.
Cellphone Location Tracking: Heading to the Supreme Court?
Circuit Court panel demands police seek a warrant.
Indiana Lawmakers Surprised To Learn They Banned Driving With Cell Phones
Nanny of the Month, July 2015
Austin Police Grab Man's Cellphone, Then Pepper-Spray Him
Another bystander punished for filming police.
How the 11th Circuit's 'Wooden Application of the Third-Party Doctrine' Threatens Privacy
The court's cellphone decision implies that remotely stored information has no Fourth Amendment protection.
Federal Court Ruling Puts Cellphone Location Data Back in Police's Hands
'Third Party Doctrine' wins again.
Justice Dept. Mulling Reform on Phone Tracking, as Long as It Doesn't Actually Help People
Law enforcement leaders seem concerned that due process helps defendants. That's the point.
The Misguided War on Sexting
America is taking a punitive approach to teens who send each other explicit messages-and it's backfiring.
U.S., British Spy Agencies Hacked Their Way Into Accessing Smartphone Encryption Keys
The latest Snowden bombshell is about your SIM card.
Warrants for Emails and Cell Phone Locations: Online Communications and Geolocation Protection Act
Bill protects privacy from unconstitutional search and seizure.
As U.S. Officials Fret Over Encryption, German Firms Market Secure Calls
How secure is an open question.
LAPD, Which Tracks Citizens Through Their Phones, Worries About You Doing the Same to Them
Cops don't like navigation app Waze because it shows where they are.
Cellphone Separation Anxiety: Real, and Making Us Dumber?
Findings suggest cellphone separation anxiety can negatively impact cognitive performance and cause blood pressure to rise.