Drive-Thrus Are Booming. Why Are Cities Banning Them?
Despite increasing demand, cities across the U.S. are pushing bans on new drive-thru restaurants in the name of reducing traffic and promoting walkability.
Despite increasing demand, cities across the U.S. are pushing bans on new drive-thru restaurants in the name of reducing traffic and promoting walkability.
"I've been in the business for 25 years...I never had to increase the amount of pricing that I did this past time in April," one business owner told the A.P.
Many have seen their hours reduced—or have lost their jobs entirely.
Morgan Spurlock's death and legacy are a reminder that skepticism is a necessary part of any balanced diet.
Hiking wages through law is a crowd-pleaser, but it kills employment unless you’re a robot.
Gov. Gavin Newsom's response to allegations of favoritism only serve to underline how the entire fast food minimum wage law was a giveaway to his buddies.
Probably because Greg Flynn, who operates 24 of the bakery cafes in California, is a longtime friend of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Plus: An immigration deal that's already collapsing, more expensive Big Macs, and Taylor Swift (because why not).
Pizza Hut announced plans to lay off 1,200 delivery drivers on Wednesday.
The owner of Jimmy John's and Arby's has bought Subway, and a Massachusetts senator has concerns.
Higher prices created by a $20 minimum wage for burger joints will lead to fewer customers, reduced profits, fewer restaurants, and a loss of jobs.
A new joint employer rule from the NLRB threatens to fundamentally change the business relationship between a franchise and its parent company.
Boosting minimum wages often increases unemployment and raises prices.
Cities around the country are contemplating bans on drive-thrus and other new regulations.
California lawmakers and President Joe Biden seem determined to help fast-food workers by eliminating their jobs.
"I think it's really good for a lot of young people, no matter if they need a job or not, to work," says one college student who got her first job at 16.
McDonald's invested in some spiffy new toys, but almost everything else stayed the same.
Thanks to globalization, we plebes can pay just $6.49 for a whole Whopper meal fit for a 16th-century king.
Liz Truss seeks to possibly end ill-advised bans on advertising and special deals on foods experts deem “unhealthy.”
Where have we heard before about government councils dictating terms to nominally private enterprise?
Food companies don't determine what parents put in their shopping carts.
Businesses that give customers condiments without them first asking for them could receive fines totaling $300.
Plus: Facebook rebrands, McDonald's hikes menu prices, and more...
The vast majority of hospitalized COVID-19 patients are overweight. Why won’t the government stop subsidizing junk food?
Minimum wage jobs aren't supposed to be career choices, but stepping stones on the way to other things. Everyone has to start out somewhere.
Plus: Good news on COVID-19 immunity, court nixes California ammunition ban, and more...
Cops have a long history of thinking fast food workers are out to get them.
Executive orders may have encouraged the lockdowns, but they always depended on voluntary behavior.
No, but that's not stopping a litigious vegan from making his case.
Food nannies won't let failure stop them from banning everything they can.
Or maybe not. We probably need more research.
The burger chain plans to flout FDA regulations with special 4/20 offering
The proposal comes as restaurants struggle with the city's new $15 minimum wage.
Trump's fast-food feast at the White House earned jeers, then backlash to the jeers. But who cares? This is comedy gold.
Government-mandated price hikes do a lot of things. Spurring technological innovation is not one of them.
The second-rate fast-food giant gets basic internet protocols wrong.
Union influence (and the pursuit of deep pockets) temporarily overruled economic literacy and common sense.
Despite claims by supporters, requiring calorie counts is neither easy nor sensible.
In calling for a boycott of the popular coffee chain, The Donald Scrooges himself all over again.
To say that Los Angeles merely failed would be putting it mildly.
Magical thinking that hurts job seekers