Tulsi Gabbard Called Out Mainstream Media, Both Parties, Democratic Candidates for Supporting Disastrous Regime Change in the Middle East
"As president I will end these regime change wars."
"As president I will end these regime change wars."
Trust in the media is at historic lows.
They have been loyal U.S. allies and don't deserve to be slaughtered by Turkey.
If Trump wants credit for ending wars in the Middle East, he'll have to actually reduce the number of Americans deployed there.
Stossel's full interview with Tulsi Gabbard covering war, drugs, free healthcare, free college, the minimum wage, and more.
Plus: The Kurds "didn't help us in the Second World War" anyway, says the president. And more...
The war on terror leaves more dead civilians in its wake.
Open warfare between Iran and Saudi Arabia would be far worse than this weekend's attacks.
Sen. Warren: "The problems in Afghanistan are not problems that can be solved by the military."
The strongest critics of unilateral decisions to attack other countries include Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders, while Joe Biden thinks anything goes.
Plus: How anti-tech lawmakers are beholden to "Big Telecom," the triumph of hard seltzer, "abortion reversal" law nixed, and more...
He got the boot before managing to start any new wars.
Her chumming around with the worst dictators is troubling.
Pestilence, war, famine, and death are all on the decline.
Buttigieg calls for three-year sunset on military force authorizations.
It's refreshing to see many conservatives abandon their kneejerk support for militarism, and nice to watch Joe Biden be held accountable for his support for the Iraq blunder.
Serving as an alternative voice to the likes of Lindsey Graham and John Bolton could keep the U.S. out of unnecessary wars.
"The outsized power that the political parties hold can often be used in the wrong way to squelch our democracy and dissenting voices even within our own parties," says Gabbard.
Welcome to 21st-century politics (finally) with creation of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
Gabbard has made ending American intervention abroad the defining issue of her campaign.
If the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are any indication, the move would be a disaster.
The Republican congressman from Michigan shot back on Twitter.
Parsing Trump's foreign policy, economic theories, and ideological relationship with the 2020 Democratic field
Trump says he called off a planned airstrike against Iran on Thursday night, just minutes before the bombs were to be let loose.
Plus: Senate votes against Saudi arms deals, SCOTUS rules on public crosses, and more...
Demanding capitulation from Tehran is a recipe for disaster
The depressing bipartisan consensus on ever-increasing defense spending shows no sign of breaking down anytime soon.
A pre-finale podcast about the HBO series that taught America to love death and dragons.
O'Rourke has long been a critic of U.S. intervention abroad.
Does the Trump administration think it can wage war in Iran without congressional approval? Mike Pompeo won't say.
As Trump cracks down yet again, Reason's editors disagree over labeling in immigration policy.
The bill now goes to President Trump's desk.
Both the libertarian-leaning Republican and the democratic socialist want Trump to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria.
He's a free trader against dumping, a deficit hawk for Medicare expansion, and an anti-drug warrior who wants to imprison pharma execs.
Thank Donald Trump for the belated attempt to enforce the Constitution's separation of powers.
Strong performances and sharp direction elevate this drug-war action thriller.
Plus: a Rand Paul add-on makes sure measure doesn't inadvertently authorize new wars, Dick's stores are dropping guns, campus art controversy, and good 8A news
Legitimately interesting yet eminently mockable GenXer Beto O'Rourke joins the 2020 presidential scrum.
If the decision holds up on appeal (which is quite likely), Congress would have to choose between expanding draft registration to women or ending it completely.
In Mercenaries 2, China and the U.S. fight over pieces of Venezuela, before the entire country is wrecked by a nuclear warhead.
Early progress in U.S.-Taliban peace talks are a reminder of how little we're fighting for in Afghanistan.
The war continues and it's costing lives.
The withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan reflect a welcome willingness to question endless military commitments.
Democratic socialists prioritize economics first.
Plus: United Nations goes to bat for Julian Assange and Slack censors chat with Iranians.
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