A Man Died After Police Held Him on Hot Asphalt for 6 Minutes. He Was Reported for Loitering.
Excessive force is certainly an issue. So is overcriminalization.
Excessive force is certainly an issue. So is overcriminalization.
Law enforcement lobby holds off bill that would decertify officers who are guilty of misconduct.
Different factions in Portland react to a death in the streets.
Plus: Biden asks America: "Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?"
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Even the most police-skeptical courts grant the doctrine in egregious circumstances.
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The cops seized Kevin McBride's $15,000 car because his girlfriend allegedly used it for a $25 marijuana sale.
This is the 10th lawsuit in the past few years accusing Chicago police of terrorizing families because of sloppy, outdated search warrants.
The overlap suggests a pattern of shoddy investigation and reckless paramilitary tactics in Louisville.
The Milwaukee Bucks refused to come out of the locker room for their scheduled game on Wednesday afternoon against the Orlando Magic. Other teams are planning similar protests.
Two officers pleaded guilty after vandalizing cars belonging to a civilian who filed a complaint against them.
Neither does Portland. But the fact that the violence is continuous and seems to be escalating is cause for concern.
Demand justice for those hurt and killed by police. Stop creating more victims.
There is an underlying belief that the active presence of a police force of the kind we are familiar with prevents the explosion of crime. But history and modern criminology suggest otherwise.
Witnesses say Jacob Blake was breaking up a fight before an officer grabbed his shirt and shot him at close range.
Stop pandering to Joe Biden and listen to Americans who want to stop shielding abusive officers from liability.
Untested rape kits are a national scandal, but more funding isn't the answer.
"I believe there is sufficient evidence of a clearly established Fourth Amendment violation," writes the dissenting judge.
Trying to distract attention from the deadly corruption in his own department, Art Acevedo demands "action at the national level."
Tau Thao repeatedly dismissed bystanders' concerns as his colleagues used a fatal prone restraint.
The Palm Beach County sheriff said he does not "condone" the behavior in the video.
The results reflect the impact of increasing publicity about police abuses.
Cops demonstrated their commitment to free and fair elections by firing rubber bullets and water cannons at protesters.
"The Constitution says everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law—even at the hands of law enforcement," wrote Judge Carlton W. Reeves.
The right also has an affinity for cancel culture.
The charges, which grew out of a lethal 2019 raid based on a fraudulent search warrant affidavit, suggest that cops routinely built their cases on lies.
The law is a step in the right direction, but has significant limitations, that should be a warning sign for future reform efforts.
Getting government officials to put their packs of enforcers on shorter leashes is the definition of an uphill battle.
Armed agents of the state shouldn't be enforcing mask mandates.
With many of the city's entertainment options shut down, protesting has become a form of nightlife.
President Trump sent federal agents to squash protests, but the situation has continuously escalated.
Nor did the suspect live at the residence.
"Garrett Foster understood that libertarianism was about speaking on behalf of those who are the most acutely affected by the abuses perpetrated by an overly aggressive and unaccountable government."
A federal judge gags the New York Civil Liberties Union, but a media outlet manages to collect and publish a database of misbehaving cops.
Government agents brutalizing people are in the wrong, whether or not we sympathize with those on the receiving end.
Trump sics his border police on Americans: We are all immigrants now
U.S. District Judge Michael Simon reminds the feds that they are bound by the First Amendment.
A president from a party supposedly committed to restraining the federal government is now sending enforcers to cities over local objections.
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American voters know what's up.
The president’s heavy-handed response to protests against police brutality belies his promise of "law and order."
No one should be forced to pay for officers who spend their days opposing policing reform and defending bad cops.
The Hawaii senator fails to fully consider the causes of bad policing.
From the torching of an Elk statue to clandestine raids by federal officers, it's like a bizarro episode of Portlandia
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Mask mandates are dangerous and unjust, regardless of which level of government imposes them.
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