Bernie Sanders Is Better on Campus Rape Issues Than Marco Rubio
GOP candidate has a bad record on due process for accused students.
GOP candidate has a bad record on due process for accused students.
The USA Freedom Act wouldn't have happened without the leaks.
When it comes to foreign policy, there's less difference among the leading contenders than you might think.
When Cruz cracks that we'll find out "if sand can glow in the dark," Rubio responds with...this?
Probably not, but he's going to have to if he wants to win in New Hampshire - and in November.
Names "Outlaw Josey Wales" and "Unforgiven" as favorites among his own Westerns.
Tune in after 8:10 p.m. ET to hear discussion about the GOP race and the eternal War on Christmas
Trump is still winning but it's far from over.
Democrats blithely marching toward fifth Bush term.
Each is trying to paint the other as more pro-amnesty
Here's a crazy idea: How about we don't subsidize the Mubaraks or bomb the Qaddafis?
Surveillance brought up in Republican debate.
Does the Kentucky senator's lackluster presidential campaign mean that nobody supports "Free Minds and Free Markets"?
Cruz and Rubio rise as they focus on social conservatives.
The race heats up as Trump, Cruz, and Rubio battle over foreign policy and more.
As campaign falters, the Kentucky senator "sounds the alarm."
Paul hits at Rubio for an immigration policy very similar to his own 2013 one.
Voters won't really start paying attention until January.
The two senators have been bashing each other with particular gusto this week.
Something else Donald Trump and Democrats have in common
Rubio's mischaracterization may have been a good applause line but it's the kind of lack of thinking sinking Republicans.
After the circus in Colorado, did Fox Business deliver a debate of ideas?
If Congress cut the Pentagon's budget in half, the U.S. would still be "the strongest military power in the world."
In the debate tonight, Paul needs to sell his foreign policy, but he's got nothing fresh on immigration
Tonight's debate is also the first to come in the wake of widespread dissatisfaction from the campaigns about the ways the debates have been handled.
After maligning Rubio, he now says they are economic assets and shouldn't be sent packing.
Fox Business Network at 8 p.m. ET. Show also includes Ron Paul!
No, not the debt, or entitlements, or even Hillary Clinton.
It's hard to determine a winner in last night's awkward debate, but there was one clear loser.
Nobody went full libertarian, but belief in limited government started to show around the edges.
Repeal and replace plans from Walker and Rubio are constrained by five years of Obamacare.
Some televised commentary about various 2016 candidates, including a shout-out to "Team Woodchipper"
On Trump, Campaign 2016, and candidates trying to act cool
We read seven 2016 presidential wannabes' books so you don't have to.
Meanwhile, Ted Cruz praises Trump as a brash truth teller.
The Kentucky senator outlines plans in WSJ, on same opinion page that blasts Marco Rubio's budget-busting proposal.
The individual is the building block of society, not the family.
NY Times investigations paint Rubio as pretty average, something candidates can pay millions trying to look like
Reason's guide to whether any of the 2016 presidential hopefuls would actually cut government.
From quoting Glenn Greenwald to calling Marco Rubio a 'so-called conservative' to saying the Republican brand 'sucks,' the Kentucky senator is living up to the whole 'new kind of Republican' thing
"Reformocons" reject technocratic, top-down government solutions to pressing policy issues. What could be wrong with that? Well, for starters...
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