Trump's Trans Kid Story Doesn't Add Up
The president said a Florida school "secretly socially transitioned" a 13-year-old. Emails suggest otherwise.
The president said a Florida school "secretly socially transitioned" a 13-year-old. Emails suggest otherwise.
Is Florida forgetting that the First Amendment applies there too?
But at least he restored respect for a tariff-loving predecessor by renaming a mountain.
The recent ruling means that on the stand those women may be subject to speech policing from their alleged rapist—who has opted for self-representation.
But if they admitted that, they would be out of a job.
Shame on the LGBT activists who falsely insinuated that school choice must be anti-gay—and shame on the conservatives who act like it is.
Liberals spent the last decade moving leftward on questions of race and sexual orientation—and so did conservatives.
Dorr Legg saw the government as homosexuals' enemy.
The candidate supports gun rights, wants to privatize government programs, and would radically reduce the number of federal employees.
The creator of Masameer County was charged with promoting homosexuality and terrorism for his South Park-style satirical cartoon.
You don't promote acceptance by locking people up for victimless crimes.
After blaming the state's bathroom law, The New York Times says "it has never been clear" whether gender identity figured in the fight that preceded Nex Benedict's death.
Don’t let culture war politics overwhelm a commitment to the facts.
New anti-drag laws were deemed unconstitutional in every state where they were challenged this year.
While transgender issues dominated Wednesday's debate, polls suggest that the subject is far from the top of voters' minds.
"Republicans believe in less government, not more," he said.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced a bill last month that would bar federal agencies from forcing employees to respect preferred names or pronouns.
While minors were required to be accompanied by an adult to attend the event, state regulators still went after the "not appropriate" drag performance.
"Is there any way to stop this from happening tomorrow?" Ron DeSantis' former chief of staff asked about a Christmas-themed drag show on tour in Florida.
"Being a true free speech champion does require that you defend speech that even you disagree with," says libertarian Rikki Schlott.
Gay and transgender people—both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—face an extraordinary level of persecution.
President Biden commemorated the 25th anniversary of his tragic death by celebrating legislation passed in Shepard's name. But it was based on a major falsehood.
The judge ruled that the law was unconstitutionally overbroad, vague, and viewpoint discrimination.
The Colorado governor finds common ground with many libertarians. But does he really stand for more freedom?
"The opportunity to think for ourselves and to express those thoughts freely is among our most cherished liberties," Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion.
A Texas judge ordered that the airline submit to training on the rights of religious believers after losing a religious discrimination lawsuit.
Is sending kids into the wilderness really the best way to keep them off Pornhub?
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Plus: Should libertarians consider employing noble lies when pitching themselves to new potential voters?
DeSantis talks a lot about freedom but increasingly only applies it to those who agree with him.
The Center has gotten rich in part thanks to its "hate map," which smears many good people.
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Contra Joe Biden, they argue that these recent rulings show respect for individual rights and concern for racial and sexual minorities.
Join Reason on YouTube and Facebook Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern for a live discussion of the Court's recent rulings on affirmative action and same-sex wedding services.
The speech compulsion it forbids is not limited to wedding-website designers who object to same-sex marriage, but its principles should apply only to a narrow range of commercial products
The decision reverses a terrible previous decision by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
The ruling is the latest in a series of legal defeats for anti-drag laws.
It should be obvious that drag performances are protected by the First Amendment, but that hasn't kept government officials from trying to ban them.
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Plus: A listener question considers the pros and cons of the libertarian focus on political processes rather than political results.
Plus: Librarians take on Arkansas book restrictions, another migrant stunt may have originated in Florida, and more...
The new law dictates a life sentence for anyone caught having gay sex and the death penalty for anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality."
Sometimes he calls for freedom, and sometimes he preaches something darker.
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"If you don't trust central authority, then you should see this immediately as something that is very problematic," says the Florida governor.
Plus: Court sides with journalists sued by LAPD, don't ban private employers from requiring college degrees, and more...
What happened to the claim that this was just about protecting young children?
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