Robert Kennedy Jr. Raves On About the Vaccination "Holocaust"
Not a shred of scientific evidence supports his ranting
Not a shred of scientific evidence supports his ranting
Senator uses futuristic lingo to push old ideas: taxing and spending
Keep an eye out for the suede-denim police if you live in California!
Harris seeks permission not to prepare it for signature-gathering.
Lawyer prepares initiative; state may have to let him collect signatures.
State needs regulatory reform, not armies of new inspectors
When it comes to rationing, give markets a chance.
The senators cosponsor a bill that protects patients and providers from federal harassment.
Costly contract provisions from the state attorney general are making it more difficult for a hospital to be sold, and saved.
The situation is common for projects even tangentially connected to sex work or adult entertainment. Guess who's to blame?
Witnesses say Ernesto Canepa was unarmed when he was shot by police in Santa Ana, Calif., media reports suggest he was a robbery suspect.
State bill targets university's 'believe it or not' edict.
Former San Diego cop's legal fees covered by the city, won't have to register as a sex offender either.
Altruism can be such an eyesore, complain neighbors.
State's rigid overtime rules squelch choice and innovation while politically connected unions are exempt.
Dimitrios Kassas of Ares Armor Accepts a $20 Settlement Plus Legal Fees.
A federal judge rebuked the 'bully' CalPERS in the case of Stockton's bankruptcy.
From fighting with Berkeley city government to a $5 million green-tech company
Probation officer was looking for someone who wasn't at the home. Resident says she tried to keep the dog from running outside but the officer prevented her.
Even a federal judge is asking why they keep fighting.
The Little Hoover Commission examines why Californians don't trust their government. Media and lack of funds, not corruption and inefficiency, cited as causes.
Anti-vaxxers it's past time for you to get over your superstition and get your kids vaccinated.
Mark Leno's bill would prohibit vaping everywhere smoking is prohibited.
Two-thirds sign petition to transform struggling Palm Lane Elementary School.
Will Big Brother monitor our driving habits?
Senate bill inspired by right-to-die activism of Brittany Maynard.
The state is challenging, rather than resolve, a lawsuit brought by low-income students who say they are deprived of their right to a quality education.
Will he emphasize fiscal control or far-reaching environmental agenda?
Chefs and consumers are overjoyed. Some legal experts in the state are also satisfied.
Residents should hold on tight to their wallets.
In new report, public employees accused of lying and theft, though face few penalties
A handful of food policy cognoscenti discuss the top food policy issues of 2014 and predict what might happen in 2015.
A case in California spotlights their political 'playbook'
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