Tiny California City's Firefighting Reform Could Be Model for Others
Dealing with the pension crisis.
Dealing with the pension crisis.
Funny: These cities didn't disclose any concerns about climate change in their bond issues.
Upcoming state supreme court case may be a game-changer if it reverses "California Rule" holding pension promises inviolate.
The newest member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has a record on criminal justice. Some of it's not pretty.
By greatly reducing zoning restrictions on housing construction, Bill 827 could massively expand opportunity for large numbers of people.
Motel 6 sued for passing names along to ICE.
As the state legislature reconvenes, getting rid of cash bail will likely be on the table.
Alaska has the lowest taxes on recreational marijuana.
Instead of arguing about media coverage and posturing about partisan reactions, maybe focus on sanctions and refugee policy?
Recreational pot use becomes legal in the Golden State in 2018. The feds don't care.
Looking toward the Tenth Amendment.
A loss of opportunities equal to about four percent of the workforce.
Two states attempt to dictate how farmers outside their boundaries treat their animals.
The police union didn't even want prosecutors to have the list.
It's a story of assimilation and plain old consumer choice.
The California governor is starting to take on the public-sector unions he has spent his career empowering.
The former Homeland Security secretary interfered with a state audit of the university's finances.
Lawmakers want to meddle in everything you do, but they protect each other.
A couple of busted windows can result in a bill for thousands-even tens of thousands-of dollars.
Crisis pregnancy centers in California say the state's "Reproductive FACT Act" violates their First Amendment rights.
Regions around the world are fighting for independence. If people want to secede, let them!
The new tax reform bill eliminates a huge tax credit for electric vehicle purchases.
A new California ballot initiative proposal combines wishful thinking with the heavy hand of government.
The cannabis industry has been cut off from access to the banks and insurance companies other businesses can rely on to get them through disasters.
Orange County denied a workers comp claim by deputies who attended the concert at Mandalay Bay and say they sustained injuries responding to it.
"You don't have to know algebra to shoe a horse," says member of the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame. California officials disagree.
Gilbert Hyatt's 25-year legal battle is a story of greed, harassment, anti-semitism, and the abuse of power.
And seven retirees in Los Angeles pulled down more than $1 million each in retirement benefits last year.
A right to engage in prostitution seems like "a natural extension of Supreme Court precedent," says judge.
And it's already contentious.
"Depriving any student of higher education opportunities should not be done lightly," says the California governor.
"It's time for government to get out of the way and let people live their lives authentically as who they are," says state Sen. Scott Weiner.
Mark Hamill's ill-conceived effort at getting the state to crackdown on autographed memorabilia ends, predictably, in failure.
Friday A/V Club: The military sued Frank Capra, so he made a movie about it.
California's top-two primary system helps protect her, but what's her appeal outside of her own party?
What will really keep drug (and any other) prices lower? Competition.
New report shows how California's pension obligations are crowding out spending on other things.
The first leg is already seeing massive cost overruns. Imagine its future.
A story about a police officer being held accountable by his colleagues
Local California officials warn of a looming disaster.
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