Americans Can't Stand Each Other, So Let's Stop Forcing Our Preferences on One Another
If you want to avoid conflict among hostile groups, decentralize power-preferably to individuals.
If you want to avoid conflict among hostile groups, decentralize power-preferably to individuals.
Rental-car companies are facing the same challenges as other established businesses in the internet age. One state lawmaker wants to protect them from change.
But California regulations will let people sue your coffee roasting business into oblivion.
Law enforcement is already resisting.
SB 827 is a progressive-backed mix of climate change goals and tenant protections. It is also a major free market reform.
This is not how you rebuild those community ties.
"The situation in the market is pretty dire," one major cannabis seller told us.
Lawmakers have tried to counter the powerful law enforcement lobby and failed.
Proposal to verify online "bots" is security theater that will make it harder for small online firms to compete with the likes of Facebook.
California unions and their allied politicians need to learn to respect the rights of California's government workers.
An ICE spokesman resigning because he "didn't feel like fabricating the truth" should be a wake-up call about the White House's factually untethered approach to immigration policy.
Immigration, federalism, and the 10th Amendment
The Justice Department wants to block three laws that it says hamper immigration enforcement.
The current regime makes it hard for licensed cannabusinesses to compete with the black market.
Policymakers need to focus more on harsh realities if they want real solutions.
"Time is truly of the essence here," said a lawyer for women imprisoned at Santa Rita Jail.
Proposed water restrictions will do little to solve the state's water woes.
In California's Santa Rita Jail, pregnant inmates were pressured to have abortions, forced to go without food, and made to live in unsanitary conditions, a new lawsuit alleges.
California's gun registration program is a mess.
A municipal scheme with a private prosecution firm leads to outrageous fines in the California desert.
Josephine, in the Bay Area, linked aspiring food entrepreneurs with hungry neighbors.
The city wants to spend a grant it got giving residents $500 a month for two years.
Federal pot prohibition breeds state socialism.
Just because something looks like a gun doesn't mean it needs to be regulated like one.
The governor often talks about fiscal frugality, responsibility and reform, but there isn't much follow-up action.
Seeks to ban registration of vehicles that aren't zero emissions, in 2040.
An already awful practice of trying to use code violations as a revenue stream gets truly grotesque.
A rural inland group wants to split from the coastal communities and from Sacramento.
The money pit is turning into a black hole, as critics predicted.
El Cajon is just the latest city to abuse "public safety" fears to control how people help each other.
She didn't push for reform when she had the opportunity as district attorney and as attorney general.
Dealing with the pension crisis.
Funny: These cities didn't disclose any concerns about climate change in their bond issues.
Upcoming state supreme court case may be a game-changer if it reverses "California Rule" holding pension promises inviolate.
The newest member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has a record on criminal justice. Some of it's not pretty.
By greatly reducing zoning restrictions on housing construction, Bill 827 could massively expand opportunity for large numbers of people.
Motel 6 sued for passing names along to ICE.
As the state legislature reconvenes, getting rid of cash bail will likely be on the table.
Alaska has the lowest taxes on recreational marijuana.
Instead of arguing about media coverage and posturing about partisan reactions, maybe focus on sanctions and refugee policy?
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