How a FOIA Request into Hillary Clinton's Emails Revealed a Criminal Investigation
Clinton had characterized the FBI's investigation as "routine," but the DOJ now refers to it as a "law enforcement proceeding."
Clinton had characterized the FBI's investigation as "routine," but the DOJ now refers to it as a "law enforcement proceeding."
Matt Welch talks about the 'ugliness' of Clintonian crime politics on Rev. Al Sharpton's PoliticsNation
It's true, if you don't count Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, or Jim Webb
The former president can't decide whether he should brag about the 1994 law or apologize for it.
The former president says Republicans made him support longer sentences, which were a necessary response to 13-year-old murderers "hopped up on crack."
'You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter.'
Which of course, includes Hillary's contributions and all of Obama's presidency.
Wants people to get behind Hillary instead of debating past policies.
Smearing Bernie Sanders for no reason at all.
She blew a 30-point lead in just a few months.
NYRoB article details the power couple's dirty-Davos-style fundraising machinery
8 p.m. ET, and again at midnight, on Fox Business Network
When Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, Mr. Rogers and the Cos joined at the White House to lament the state of children's TV programming
This candidate promises to "take a hard look at licensing requirements from state to state" and simplify small-business taxes.
No, DOMA did not protect same-sex couples from a possible constitutional amendment.
We can start with the fact that she is her own worst enemy.
What happened to gun control from 2000 to 2012? Funny you should ask...
Read (and weep at) the 1996 party platform on immigration, crime, drugs and "zero tolerance"
The noted cultural critic vents.
The SAFE Justice Act gets a boost from the House speaker.
Democrats may be excited about Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race
"You can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns," Hillary's husband says.
The former president dismissed concerns about Clinton Foundation donations.
The author of Sexual Personae talks about feminism, rape, academia, and Hillary Clinton.
Student loan schemes originally proposed by the Clinton administration have proven as ruinous as expected once adopted by the Obama administration
When it come to immigration and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Republicans and Democrats sound more like South Park rednecks than statesmen.
Kweisi Mfume had boasted the CBC put its 'stamp' on the bill, the largest crime bill in U.S. history, which provided new cops and prisons.
After eight years of Obama, will the Clinton family be a refreshing change?
A chance to put a dent in the corporate state.
Monica Lewinsky's reemergence is a reminder that our presidential safety valve is broken.
Why? That might be a good question to ask possible presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who basks in her husband's supposed presidential successes.
Doesn't know if Paul has a strategy
Tabloids claim her ex-boyfriend Tom Sizemore said Clinton got her number from him
But don't quite see eye-to-eye when it comes to politics
Library wouldn't release the doodles for a book on presidential doodles
And the rest of us?
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