Jason Keisling is a visual content fellow at Reason.
Jason Keisling
Visual Content Fellow
Latest from Jason Keisling
Here Are the Cities Where Cops Are Allowed to Choke You
A look at city police department policies defining when and how officers can use force
A look at city police department policies defining when and how cops can use force
The Pro Bowl Scam
How the NFL uses a taxpayer-funded tourist agency to subsidize its all-star game.
Which States Have the Most Libertarians? This Map Will Tell You.
Montana and New Hampshire look promising, but most of the East Coast is a no-go zone.
The Feds Took 182,000 Tons of Raisins from U.S. Farmers. This Insane Flowchart Shows What Happened Next.
Spoiler Alert: SCOTUS wasn't having it.
The United States of Corporate Welfare
Which company got the most targeted tax breaks, subsidies, and grants in the state where you live?
What's At Stake for Gay Marriage at the Supreme Court? (UPDATED)
Right now, 39 states have legal same-sex marriage recognition, but there's a hitch.
United States of Emergency
What powers the president gains from having 30 national emergencies in effect.
Americans Want Action Against ISIS…
...but do not expect quick, easy success
Loss of Trust in Government Leads to Power Swings
Americans have less faith than ever in government and politics, leading to volatility in congressional control.
Lois Lerner Claims the IRS Did Nothing Wrong. The Data Say Otherwise.
A look at who the IRS has been targeting