U.S. Ramps Up Drug War in Afghanistan
Using F-22 fighters for the first time
Oblivious to the big, bright flowers, the cops who raided Edward and Audrey Cramer's home insisted they were growing pot.
Search warrant lists probable cause for distribution and possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance and health care fraud.
Judge orders an end to the practice after the ACLU sued.
Listen to SiriusXM Insight (channel 121) from 9-12 AM ET as Matt Welch interviews Massie, Dalmia, Kevin Williamson, Bethany Mandel, and LSD enthusiast Daniel Miller
The fruits of 16 years of war
Authorities say two bags of coke were found in a wallet McGowan left behind on an airplane.
And he's running for sheriff of an Illinois county.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who likens himself to Hitler, promotes the mass murder of drug users.
The attorney general, who conceded that good people do smoke marijuana, gave no indication of an impending crackdown.
So much for "everything which is not forbidden is allowed."
The rapper's case shows the problems with overcriminalization and the aggressive enforcement of petty laws.
Maybe this is how the war on drugs should be fought from now on.
Journalists continue to claim that the Causeway Cannibal was under the influence of synthetic cathinones.
Emergency scheduling won't fix the fentanyl crisis, no matter what Jeff Sessions claims.
Twisted incentives? What are those? Rod Rosenstein doesn't seem to have heard of them.
In the 1970s, New York City and Hong Kong figured out how to help heroin users without red tape or an abundance of experts.
Virginia's incoming governor supports decriminalization.
Narcotics-induced deaths have plummeted since the European country decriminalized all drugs.
The Drug Policy Alliance documents an unjust prosecution trend that makes opioid fatalities more likely.
Paul LePage says Maine shouldn't implement a legalization initiative until it's clear how the feds will respond.
And he was just awarded the largest penalty in state history for a public records violation.
Did a small number of complaints get used to punish bureaucracy-rejecting physician?
The panel wants to make prescription analgesics even harder to obtain.
As America deals with terrorist attacks and mass shootings, DHS and the FBI are busy enforcing misdemeanor vice laws.
The cannabis industry has been cut off from access to the banks and insurance companies other businesses can rely on to get them through disasters.
This week's show covers Robert Mueller's Russia probe, Jeff Flake's decision not to run, and the opioid crisis.
Veterans turn to forbidden cures for relief from their nightmares.
More innovative remedies will be needed to actually turn back the relentless onslaught of overdose fatalities.
Gottlieb isn't a perfect harm reduction advocate, but he's a hell of a lot better than the D.C. status quo.
A new study finds that the more someone smokes pot, the more sex they're likely to have.
Even while scaling back mandatory minimums, politicians can't resist trying to punish people to fight drugs.
Friday A/V Club: Celebrate Halloween with Gerald Heard, Boris Karloff, and some killer bees.
But won't tell us where to go to get them!
"Much of the addiction starts with marijuana."
The Justice Department splits over the worst way to fight the drug war.
"Marijuana-related" crashes are not necessarily related to marijuana.
According to the latest survey, 64 percent of all American adults and 51 percent of Republicans think pot should be legal.
Moral judgment of drug users overrules solutions that fight overdoses and halt the spread of disease.
Former player: If there's any sport or league that should be leading the way in experiments with cannibis, of course it's the NFL.
The case for full legalization becomes stronger-and more politically acceptable-all the time.
Maybe people who are inclined to try psychedelics are less antisocial to begin with.
An overdose death leads to an absurd prosecution.
After trying for years to imprison the Kettle Falls Five as drug dealers, prosecutors concede they are patients protected by federal law.
Do the pain relief benefits of prescription opioids outweigh their addiction risks?
The DOJ has indicted two Chinese nationals for sending fentanyl to the U.S. Now what?
The drug czar nominee withdrew his name after being portrayed as the henchman of villains who profit from addiction.
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