For the First Time Ever, the House Votes To Repeal the Federal Ban on Marijuana
The bill is unlikely to make headway in the Senate, but it could nudge President-elect Joe Biden toward more ambitious reforms.
The bill is unlikely to make headway in the Senate, but it could nudge President-elect Joe Biden toward more ambitious reforms.
Violators face fines of up to $1,000.
Plus: Trump says he'll veto defense bill if it doesn't destroy the internet, House moves to free federal court records, and more...
The MORE Act, which would repeal federal prohibition, is scheduled for a vote this week.
Depending on how soon Mexico acts, Israel could be the third country in the world to allow recreational use.
A bill under consideration by the city's Board of Supervisors would ban smoking in private dwellings located in apartment buildings with three or more units.
The reformed drug warrior opposes marijuana legalization and supports "mandatory rehabilitation" for people who violate the government’s pharmacological decrees.
Gallup shows 68 percent supporting legalization.
Voters came out for legalizing marijuana, removing criminal penalties for psychedelic use, and treating drug addiction as a public health concern.
Tax hikes? Drug wars? Racial Preferences? Not today.
Voters in four states voted to legalize recreational marijuana. In Oregon, they went much further.
Ballot initiatives continue to reverse marijuana prohibition while making the treatment of other drugs less oppressive and more tolerant.
Plus: Presidential results still unclear (but Trump declares victory in a few states anyway), California approves Proposition 22, and more...
The ballot initiative allows recreational consumers to grow their own or buy cannabis from state-licensed stores.
It is the first state to do both at the same time.
The initiative makes Arizona the 13th state to allow recreational use.
Mississippi is the 35th state, and the second in the Deep South, to recognize marijuana as a medicine.
The constitutional amendment charges state legislators and regulators with writing specific rules.
Although the Halloween scare stories continue, journalists are starting to recognize the lack of evidence to support this mythical menace.
States should stop treating sober cannabis consumers as public menaces.
The odds of getting arrested for consuming cannabis are getting smaller.
Two states are voting to permit medical marijuana. Four are voting for legalization.
How do we resolve the cannabis conflict between state legalization and federal prohibition?
If Congress is too afraid to vote on marijuana reform, how the hell are they ever going to pass policing reform?
The method, which can detect drug metabolites for up to a year, does not measure impairment or recent use.
The overlap suggests a pattern of shoddy investigation and reckless paramilitary tactics in Louisville.
Kevin McBride argues that Arizona's civil forfeiture law is unconstitutional.
Substituting drug courts for prosecution unfortunately still often leads to incarceration.
Once a staunch prohibitionist, the Democratic vice-presidential pick is arguably the most libertarian senator on marijuana.
The SAFE Banking Act is not a pork-barrel spending bill. Is that why it’s struggling?
Harris and Trump are both right that the Democratic nominee has a long record of championing draconian penalties.
The party rejects a position shared by two-thirds of the country (but not its presidential nominee).
Plus: More (bad, weird, and occasionally good) new state laws that start taking effect today.
For half a century, Grinspoon tirelessly advocated a more rational and tolerant approach to marijuana and other psychoactive substances.
A podcast debate and discussion about the virtues and vices of Marijuana Federalism.
Michael Thompson is serving a 40- to 60-year sentence for a pot crime in a state where both recreational and medicinal marijuana are currently legal
After seven years of litigation, a Kansas couple finally obtains some compensation for a comically inept drug raid.
The Justice Department concluded in 2018 that an anti-drug treaty requires stricter controls than the DEA originally planned.
Massachusetts is the only state that has closed recreational outlets while allowing medical sales to continue.
Your opportunity to learn more about Uncle Sam and Mary Jane.
If only everybody weren’t stuck in their homes.
New York Times columnist and Decadent Society author defends prohibitionism in a conversation on The Fifth Column.
The case illustrates the injustice and irrationality of Pennsylvania's "zero tolerance" approach to stoned driving.
It's an interesting strategy for a president who ran in 2016 on a Nixonian "law and order" platform.
A study in a state where marijuana is legal confirms the predominant role of cannabis products from illegal sources.
The former New York City mayor has never been good at concealing his conviction that he is smarter and better than the rest of us.
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