Here's Something Huge That Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Doesn't Know About History
In foreign policy the danger is intervention, not 'isolation'
Obama 'Welcomes Debate on Terror' To Avoid Debate on Terror
One year after promising dialogue, his administration is silent.
Rand Paul Should Highlight the Economic Case For Non-Interventionism
An interventionist foreign policy is not only often unwise, it's expensive
Senate Blocks Overhaul of Military Rape Prosecution Rules
Will stay under the control of military chain of command
Top Army Officer Pleads Guilty to Inappropriate Relationships
Including having an affair and pressuring female officers to send him nude pictures
Pakistan Warns U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan Could Lead to Civil War — Update
Civil war could happen either way
Photo of Wisconsin National Guard Funeral Training Graduation Captioned "We Put the FUN in Funeral" Being Investigated
Soldier who posted it to Instagram already suspended
US Not in Talks with Taliban to Get Soldier Back
But they are trying see last American military member missing in Afghanistan home
The Lethal Legacy of US Intervention
The deadly consequences - and culpability - continue long after the last soldier leaves.
Navy Reduces Presence in the Persian Gulf Amid Iran Talks
USS Harry Truman the only aircraft carrier in the region
Afghanistan Releases Prisoners Despite Warnings From the US
Unnamed U.S. military official says some of the detainees are linked to IEDs
US Mulls Drone-Killing Citizen Overseas Suspected of Terrorism
Unnamed country will not permit US military on its soil
Hundreds Investigated over Fraudulent Military Recruiting Kickbacks
Has cost the government at least $29 million
Conscription Is Not the Answer Either
Andrew Bacevich's powerful critique of U.S. foreign policy backs the wrong remedy.
Pentagon Commission Reviewing 2007 Pension Raises
Some officers get paid better in retirement than when they were on active duty