Prosecutors Charge Man for Abandoning Pet Fish Before Realizing That Isn't Illegal
Common sense wins out...sort of.
Common sense wins out...sort of.
The state treats burning trash as a renewable energy source worthy of taxpayer support.
No, our kids will not be doomed in 12 years if we don't adopt her Green New Deal.
The Agricultural Research Service announced that it would no longer be using cats for research purposes.
The next Soho Forum is going to get hot.
The hot new Deep Adaptation report about near-term climate catastrophe is overblown.
Environmental group Lonely Whale and Bacardi have teamed up to fight the little "straw in cup" symbol.
He's a free trader against dumping, a deficit hawk for Medicare expansion, and an anti-drug warrior who wants to imprison pharma execs.
Recycling waste streams is supposed to be economical, but many jurisdictions are discovering that's not always so.
An interesting proposal for an energy-water corridor along the U.S.-Mexico border that might even pay for itself.
We should stop hemming and hawing and try building an emergency backup cooling system for the planet
Bangladesh announces that it will allow its farmers to plant this genetically improved crop
The market seems to be sending towns and cities a powerful message that there is no need to recycle all the things all the time.
When money is on the line, it is hard to find parties willing to bet against the scientific consensus on climate change.
The 12-year-old cat couldn't live out the rest of her days in peace.
Sugar subsidies are welfare for the rich. They cost consumers billions a year.
One California legislator wants to combat global warming with more roadways.
Environmental Protection Agency
That's wrong. Promoting fear hinders more than helps environmental progress.
Under a little-known regulation that dates back to the 1930s, the president has legal power over electronic transmissions.
So far, Trump's efforts to subsidize his coal cronies have failed.
Extreme weather events around the globe have tripled since the 1980s, but what's happening in the U.S.?
Q&A with economist Veronique de Rugy.
Ed Markey believes the time to vote on urgently necessary climate change legislation is...later.
A bad idea is made worse by its inability to grapple with local land use restrictions.
The left loves fringe causes, like providing welfare to people who are "unwilling to work."
Using climate change to justify government-guaranteed jobs, health care, and housing.
Climate change is the excuse; radically remaking the American economy is the aim.
The U.S. is the world's biggest producer of oil and natural gas
Cold waves aren't as common as they used to be, but research suggests that climate change could still make polar vortexes worse.
It's now legal to own one of the spiky creatures.
Price signals ultimately mean more supplies for disaster-struck areas.
It would have been better to let the sport fail on its own.
Technology extracts at least 2,000 liters of water per day from the atmosphere at a cost of less than 2 cents per liter.
"The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don't address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?"
No good deed goes unpunished.
Not yet in the United States, new studies suggest
Using climate change as an excuse to pursue other social and economic goals.
Title of the Nature Human Behavior article cited above sadly says it all.
Doomslayer Julian Simon vindicated after 40 years.
Two unions called out for threats to sue if they don't get hired to build.
Note: Undocumented immigrants are not wild animals.
Good news: The cancer death rate which stood in 1991 at 215 per 100,000 people has dropped in 2016 to 156 per 100,000 people.